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> Pro Tools updated to v6.9.2cs2, Music Software
post Thu 4 Aug 2005, 21:16
Post #1


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Pro Tools updated to v6.9.2cs2
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post Thu 4 Aug 2005, 21:16
Post #2


Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: 04-Aug 05
From: Chicago - US
Member No.: 68,471

I can't record anything. I can't use my mics. I can't use the copy of Protools i bought and upgraded twice. For those of us who shelled out the cash for the mBox in the first place, plus the latest 2 updates before 6.9.2, this is the last straw. I have been waiting for the coreaudio update so i can use my mBox again for 3 months now and their original promise of a coreaudio driver release in July has been solidly broken at this time (4 Aug. 2005). If they're trying to get people to upgrade from 6.4 to 6.9 ($75) then it's a pretty passive aggressive and ill-advised business strategy that will only serve to futher alienate their customers. And to tell me i "can't" upgrade to Tiger because it will break my mBox is acceptable for about the first 2 weeks after Tiger was released. But as of today, it's been 3 months! (Tiger released Friday, 29 April, 2005) Digidesign has effectively inserted themselves into my decision-making process about when i can upgrade my computer and in my opinion, that's irritating at best and passive-aggressive and/or manipulatively inept at worst. No company should expect to force their lazy response time on their paying customers without consequences. I'm actively looking for alternatives as this is not the first time Digidesign has been so incompetently tardy with a software update. Speaking as a professional musician, I will not recommend or use their products again.
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