Apple Mighty Mouse, Apple |
Wed 3 Aug 2005, 17:07

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Joined: 28-Aug 04
From: Augusta - US
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Pretty cool for the money. but for 99.00 you can have a whole lot more with kensington's turbo mouse. like:
6 application buttons
a scroll wheel
4 programable buttons
and a mouse ball
Wed 3 Aug 2005, 18:46

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From: Glendale - US
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Heck only Apple can release a multi button mouse this late in the computer world, and people think it's cool. AND call it the Mighty Mouse. Makes me laugh so friken hard. And yes, for about $80, I'll take my Logitec MX1000. Wirless, feels great. 8 buttons. Skip the Apple propaganda, and check out one of these. I'm sure you will be just as pleased... George
Fri 5 Aug 2005, 23:11


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ill wait till its wireless
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