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> Logic Pro 7 New Features revealed, Music Software
post Thu 30 Sep 2004, 15:07
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Logic Pro 7 New Features revealed
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post Thu 30 Sep 2004, 15:07
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Ummmm, WOW! Too many toys to play with....

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post Sat 2 Oct 2004, 14:58
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Loads of Bells and Whistles but no Automatic plugin compensation just what are Apple thinking ? blink.gif
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post Sat 9 Oct 2004, 03:46
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Hi activsoundz,

The word on the street is that it's being addressed at a lower level than the application level. Majority of those who know-more-than-I say/suggest it's going to be solved at the OS-level.

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post Sat 9 Oct 2004, 05:20
Post #5


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All the new stuff in 7 seems directed towards the computer music maker rather than the more conventional song recorder. As computer music is getting bigger by the CPU cycle, this would seem pragmatic. Especially knowing all the Garage Band (a very good program) nuts are gonna eventually move up to Logic.

What they are doing with Logic benefits me quite well, personally, but if I were a more traditional artist who uses the sequencer to mix a recording that was not specifically created and produced in the program, I might be offended. sad.gif

I picked up a used copy of Logic Platinum on eBay for that very reason (for a killer price biggrin.gif which made the upgrade to Pro 6 unfairly easy). The guy I bought it from was moving over to Pro Tools, which he felt worked better for him as a recording artist. And I don't even know what automatic plug in compensation is, but suddenly I feel shorted for not having it. blink.gif

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post Sun 10 Oct 2004, 08:11
Post #6

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automatic plug-in compensations is used for latency between a dsp card and your cpu/host application. if you have a powercore card or something like that, and you use a plug-in from that card in logic or any other host app. it will make all the audio out of sync. so you have to enable automatic plug-in compenstation. i went through this problem. i was using logic silver at home for a little while. then i bought a powercore element. what a mess. i was on the phone non stop to logic and tc electronics. logic silver does not have plug-ing delay comp. so i had to use compensators that tc electronics supplied, but that is not all. i had to route the output of the tracks that used the powercore plug-ins to a bus, and add a compenstor for each tc plug-in i used. which was okay. because if you tried to use them as inserts you would have a bazillion of them on every track.
i did not like the idea of using plug-in compensators on busses or as inserts. so i bought logic pro 6. this helped, but the powercore keep loosing sync. so i took it back. now i am using logic pro 6.

logic 7 comes out. i have a little extra money so i buy it. i am very please with logic 7. seems stable, matches all the other apple apps i have. the production enchancements are really nice. i can work much faster. so it seems, but there is one thing that puzzles me. it says on page 10 of the manual that you can install 3 party au plug-ins. waves, linplug, ni, etc. but mine do not work. open logic 6 pro they are there, open logic 7 it said it was initializing them and then. NOTHING THEY AREN'T THERE.


all i wanted to say was logic 6 pro has plug-in delay compenstation.
but i also want to know why do i not have 3rd party AU capabilities like the manual says?
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post Sun 10 Oct 2004, 08:24
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They probably didn't pass the AU validation. You'll have to enable them manually by opening the AU Validator within Logic (look through the menu's, I don't remember what one it's in). Your AU's will be there, but they'll say something like "failed validation." Turn them on anyway. You'll get a message every time saying that your doing a very bad thing using AU's that hadn't passed the AU blessing, but they'll be there, and they'll work. Check the AU vendors web site for Logic 7 compatible updates. If they're not updated yet, e-mail them a request.

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post Sun 10 Oct 2004, 18:25
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great info. thanks a million.
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