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> Emagic, Apple and Proband ?, Rumor
post Thu 23 Sep 2004, 18:09
Post #1


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Emagic, Apple and Proband ?
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post Thu 23 Sep 2004, 18:09
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How many people actually purchase this from a dealer that isn't already an apple distributor? All the Pro Audio places I frequent are apple distributors. I don't buy that "Apple to dominate and control the music industry" BS. Besides of which, if you own an apple computer, doesn't apple already have your information from the registration of your computer. Come on!!! THis is a weak cry from a weak minority. Comparing Apple to Microsoft is an extreme analogy at best.

And personally Apple could call Logic Audio 7 "Poop in a box" if it fixed all the issues I and my clients have with it. Which is not to say it doesn't rock. it does, but there are some things in regards to using the DAE with it that don't rock, etc. etc.

And as far as domination is concerned. Apples has a long long long way to go before they can even touch digidesign. I doubt it is even possible considering how many studios have Pro Tools rigs in them, and how easy PT is to use. It's a pointless argument, about as pointless as non-apple distributors crying about losing logic.
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post Fri 24 Sep 2004, 09:25
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QUOTE (news @ Sep 23 2004, 17:09)

Seems like a great idea to call the top of the line audio product "test person"! laugh.gif
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post Sat 25 Sep 2004, 03:11
Post #4

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Well, it depend boddemaa, here in France, not all the music dealers are also Apple dealers, but they are devoted to Logic too… It does make sense for them. I'd like Apple to focus more on what's wrong in Logic (our webmaster Soif is ranting all the time about the ergonomy of the thing, if it was right, he'd say bye to ProTools to stay in Logic only).

Apple has already stepped on the feet of Avid, Avid OWNS Digidesign, it certainly did not bankrupt Avid, but they have now a competitor with FCP. Apple could do it again in the audio market. It is a persistant rumor. Maybe this is it, maybe this is not. We'll see.

As long as they don't put stoopid instruments icons which are useful to nothing and no one in front of tracks…

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post Mon 27 Sep 2004, 18:43
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Yes, I admit I know nothing of sales in Europe. Maybe it will not be too difficult for them to become apple dealers too?

On the rest of you post, we are in agreement and of mutual hope!

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post Tue 28 Sep 2004, 18:29
Post #6


QUOTE (bobdemaa @ Sep 23 2004, 18:09)
How many people actually purchase this from a dealer that isn't already an apple distributor? All the Pro Audio places I frequent are apple distributors. I don't buy that "Apple to dominate and control the music industry" BS. Besides of which, if you own an apple computer, doesn't apple already have your information from the registration of your computer. Come on!!! THis is a weak cry from a weak minority. Comparing Apple to Microsoft is an extreme analogy at best.

And personally Apple could call Logic Audio 7 "Poop in a box" if it fixed all the issues I and my clients have with it. Which is not to say it doesn't rock. it does, but there are some things in regards to using the DAE with it that don't rock, etc. etc.

And as far as domination is concerned. Apples has a long long long way to go before they can even touch digidesign. I doubt it is even possible considering how many studios have Pro Tools rigs in them, and how easy PT is to use. It's a pointless argument, about as pointless as non-apple distributors crying about losing logic.

"How many people actually purchase this from a dealer that isn't already an apple distributor?"

you should better ask how many people buy Logic from an authorised apple dealer.

then i would say: just a few.
i used to work in a pro audio store in wich we sold about 300 mac´s per year.
we had absoluty no chance to become a official authorized dealer.

and that should say all!!!

here in germany we have only about 10 pro audio stores which are authroized.
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Francois Déchery
post Wed 29 Sep 2004, 18:23
Post #7

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Now that logic 7 is out, did you noticed that:

- Logic 7 is no more called "Emagic Logic 7", but "Apple Logic (Pro/Express) 7".

- The short note on the Apple website : "You can find Logic Pro 7 at an Apple Store or an Apple authorized reseller."

- The fact that disapeared except the support section....

well... huh.gif

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post Wed 29 Sep 2004, 18:28
Post #8


tongue.gif How cares where the app comes from as long as it works greate and as a user I can say that in OSX it works realy bad in version 6.5.2 so hopefully Apple have taken control and fixed all the bugs...

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post Sat 2 Oct 2004, 22:06
Post #9


QUOTE (bobdemaa @ Sep 23 2004, 18:09)

>How many people actually purchase this from a dealer that isn't >already an apple distributor? All the Pro Audio places I frequent are >apple distributors.

in my town there are 14 music stores and more than 40
software shops which sell music software, but only 2 apple

>Besides of which, if you own an apple computer, doesn't apple >already have your information from the registration of your computer. >Come on!!!

less than 1% of people which buy apple hardware register it
with apple. most people do not even enter private info in the
OSX registraation sheet.

illegal aquiring information which you have legally anyway is still illegal.

>Comparing Apple to Microsoft is an extreme analogy at best.

microsoft is the biggest software company, apple is the biggest
hardware company. both are the biggest company in their field.

>And personally Apple could call Logic Audio 7 "Poop in a box" if it >fixed all the issues I and my clients have with it. Which is not to say >it doesn't rock. it does, but there are some things in regards to using >the DAE with it that don't rock, etc. etc.

haha DAE in OS X. see now, what happens when companies
are trying to dominate a technology to dominate a market ?

>And as far as domination is concerned. Apples has a long long long >way to go before they can even touch digidesign.

there are several other players in the market. protools has less to
do with logic than for example cubase or performer.

>about as pointless as non-apple distributors crying about losing logic.

distributors always cry when they have less products to sell.
why exatcly you think it is pointless ? didnt you just said above
that all the music shops you know are apple hardware dealers anyway ?
or did you forget that you said it smile.gif
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post Sun 3 Oct 2004, 00:31
Post #10


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In response to guest_guda.

It is my opinion that the crying is pointless because apple has a history of not caring about what any 3rd party has to cry about. be it distributors or software developers. Apple has always held a lot of control over their products, and now that Logic is an Apple product, why would they break the pattern? well, they wouldn't. If you can't get onboard with apple all the way, then you can't at all. They should have seen the writing on the wall.

I disagree with you about protools ahving less to do with logic than cubase or performer. Logics use and integration of the DAE has always outperformed DP's. Logic is also the only application that offers a bridge between the native tracks and TDM tracks. Logic has made a bid to compete for Pro Tools users attention all the way back to version 4.5. I am confused as to why you find this funny.

next, you think apple is a bigger hardware company than Dell or compaq or HP? I doubt it based on stock values, but haven't really looked into this myself, and regardless, just proves that an analogy comparing apple to microsoft is a stretch.

I'd love to know Where you got the statistic that less than 1% of apple purchasers register thier products. presumably more than 1% of people purchasing mac products need servicing in the first year, which you can't get unless you are or in the process become registered. As far as legal or illegal, I'm not a lawyer, but it seems to me if apple bought emagic, they own everything emagic once did, meaning information too. I personally do not care that they have my name and address several times. less desirable companies seem to, why not someone I like?

Do you use Logic? Where did you buy it from? I have a hard time beleiving that the 40 music selling software companies in your town carried Logic to begin with. It's not exactly a microsoft product.

And finally, all of this aside, it just so happens that where I buy software from is also an apple dealer, and now that where I buy computers from sells logic and logic upgrades my places of purchase exand, not diminish. perhaps i am of a small demographic, either way, doesn't effect me.
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