Apple Confirms iPod Update Problems, Apple |
_jim button_
Wed 5 May 2004, 11:53

No problems here (3G iPod)
Fri 7 May 2004, 14:26

I have a new gen iPod, and I did have trouble updating it from my iBook. Thing is, I also have a Windoze computer that my company provides. I downloaded the updater for Windoze, and it installed no problem. LOL, it works on the competitions equipment, but not Apples!!
Fri 7 May 2004, 20:19

>Lossless audio also seems to function correctly >only with third-generation iPods and iPod minis. This is true, and Apple hasn't kept it a secret. Read the bullet points on the iPod updater page: http://www.apple.com/ipod/download/You *must* have a 3G or mini iPod in order to use Apple Lossless. Jim Heid Author/Host, "The Macintosh iLife '04" book and DVD http://www.macilife.com/
Fri 7 May 2004, 23:05

This one bit me. iPod was being recognized as a hard drive but not as an iPod. After a lot of time with Apple Support, including a product specialist, it seems a kext in the system folder was not getting updated. We trashed it and reinstalled iTunes 4.5, and iPod was then recognized.
Thu 3 Jun 2004, 08:55


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2G 20 GB iPod was updated and works normal, with 4.5. 3G works well, too...
have a good one snow
setup: dual 2.7 G5 OSX 10.4.2 Logic express
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