First Firewire 800 Audio Interface Coming Soon, Computer Hardware |
Sun 2 May 2004, 13:57

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Would a FW800 interface reduce latency, compared to a FW400 interface, or is latency just a result of CPU speed?
http://www.macboy.com Cartoons for Mac GeeksMew & Zach Mac Music Comic StripPowerBook G4 800MHz Mac OS X 10.3, Emagic Logic Platinum 6, amt8, Yamaha TG500 (x2), Yamaha TX81Z, Roland JD-990, Roland D-550, Korg M1, Oberheim Matrix 6R, Mackie LM3204 line mixer, Sony MDR-7506 Headphones, V-Tech VT-1030 Cheap-O Uni-Directional Mic, Macromedia Flash 6 MX
Mon 3 May 2004, 14:49

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QUOTE (peterkirn @ May 3 2004, 13:19) Latency at this point is all on the software side; even a USB 1.0 interface can acheive latency as low as 3 ms under OS X. That said, what FW800 CAN do is fit more channels through at a time, and this could be yet another step away from PCI-based interfaces. Shame the only Macs with Firewire 800 also have PCI or PC card slots then...
Sun 18 Jul 2004, 16:00

Ummm.... powerbooks have firewire 800. powerbook specs
Mon 19 Jul 2004, 18:28

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the only powerbooks with firewire 800 are the 15 and 17 inch models, which also have PC card slots, which are simply shrunken PCI slots (give or take a few features).
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