NAMM: Apple Previews Next Generation Music Software, Apple |
Thu 15 Jan 2004, 20:04

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Being a Logic geek I'm not terribly worried about other apps BUT, I've also been quite frustrated with the way soundtrack works. It's supposed to be a "pro" app (it's priced that way for sure) but it doesn't allow for audio bussing and, for something that is supposed to be tied to video I think time code would REALLY handy.
If they bring all of that into Logic it would eliminate my troubles compleatly.
(Just my .02))
Thu 15 Jan 2004, 21:35


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Well, they're bringing Apple Loops into Logic -- that doesn't mean they're bringing Soundtrack into Logic. And both Soundtrack and Garage Band have decidedly Apple-like, UN-Emagic-like interfaces. I have a feeling the Emagic folks aren't going to let Apple give their apps an Apple UI makeover, but I could be wrong. I for one would love to see a new Logic interface that takes the best of Logic and combines it with the best of FCP, Soundtrack, Garage Band . . . after all, DVD Studio Pro, also an Apple pro app purchase, got a complete redesign from Apple in v2.
Thu 15 Jan 2004, 21:54

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Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that they bring "soundtrack" into Logic, just the loop functionality.
I'm also very curious about the sound quality of the "amp generator". I'm hoping it will rival the TDM Amp Farm plug in (or Pod hardware)
I've alway's felt the interface could use some love but now that I've used it for years I'd hate to have to re-learn anything in it. I describe it as having a learning wall instead of a curve.
I'm also glad (I think) that I finally got upgraded to 6 as they've apparently just thinned the product line herd. I don't know that I would've been able to get the deal I just got.
Although. it would have been REALLY nice to have "space designer" included. I'm wondering it that will add $500 to the price tag?
Fri 16 Jan 2004, 10:52

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Nice to have had Space Designer included? It is - no extra charge.
Fri 16 Jan 2004, 16:33

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It would be nice if Apple provided an anticipated release date for this Logic Pro (version 7?) Even if it was just a general timeframe, like Summer '04 or Q4. I have a feeling that a lot of current Emagic Logic Platinum users may hesitate to upgrade to Logic Pro 6 for $199 with this preview announcement of the inevitable Logic Pro 7 looming around the corner.
The new Sculpture and UltraBeat components really sound great!
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Wed 21 Jan 2004, 11:36

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I'd say: wait until the Frankfurt MusikMesse in March. Maybe they'll announce something then.
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