Garage Band versus Soundtrack, Apple |
Wed 7 Jan 2004, 01:11

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Post moved to Apple Introduces GarageBand forum.
This post has been edited by wlevin: Wed 7 Jan 2004, 01:24
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Wed 7 Jan 2004, 18:02

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QUOTE (boze @ Jan 6 2004, 23:04) This was the only real positive thing about the keynote for me. i think that GarageBand is a great offering that fills a good sized niche for folks who don't need a big scalable daw but want to do an ep or a demo either backing themselves up with virtual instruments or tracking their band.
also, AU support is a pleasant surprise. I am also excited about this release. Like many others on this forurm, I am sure, I began with synthesizers when their connections to computers was in it's infancy. I used to have Sequential Circuits woefully under powered "Six Trac" whihc was one of the first MIDI keyboards introduced. I went on to other pieces of equipment and settled with VISION whihc alos became an anacronism. I am a MIDI hobbyist, but the announcement od GarageBand was music to my ears. I simple couldn't justify the cost of CUBASE for my humble needs. I have ordered GargeBand and the JAMPACK. I hope to share my experiences and questions here. I am also surprised that I could not find the Keystation 49e listed among the products at m-audio <http://www.m-audio.com>. My keyboards are aging and the small one I was planning to use with GarageBand (DX-100) does not send velocity sensitivity. I am thinking of cancelling my order of the 49e and ordering the Oxegen8. Anyone using it?
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Wed 7 Jan 2004, 22:05

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Does anybody know how many audio tracks Garage Band can record? And what about bits? 24/96? Can it import MIDI tracks? With velocity?
If so to all those things Garage Band could be useful. I've looked on the Garage Band page and can't find those specs.
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