Midistream : the Wireless MIDI, Music Hardware |
Sat 27 Dec 2003, 18:43

Group: Members
Posts: 8
Joined: 05-Jul 02
From: Chicago - US
Member No.: 5,494

I could be wrong on this but I've read that humans cannot perceive the differernce within 6ms. That is to say that two sounds triggered with times (t1, t2) will sound in sync to our ears even if t1 was late by 2ms, (t1-2, t2) or even if t2 came early (t1-2, t2+2). Generally I agree though, NO latency is good latency. Is it just me, but does this thing seem pretty clunky and expensive? I'll wait for MIDI over bluetooth transmitted from a nice tiny bluetooth dongle. Ah, I can dream if I want...
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