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Sound Theory
440 Forums
Technique and Tricks
Sound Theory
Musical Terms
(6 replies)
A Look At Arabic Music Scales
(19 replies)
How To Identify A Transcode ?
(0 replies)
Live Midi Triggering
(0 replies)
Elliot Smith"esque" Vocals
(3 replies)
Affected Drum Loop
(1 reply)
Programming & Processing Drums
(1 reply)
Simulating Stop
(1 reply)
Creating A Powerful "banging" Bass Drum
(6 replies)
Voices, And The Things We Do With Them...
(9 replies)
New Forums Opening-contains Resources For Composin
(1 reply)
Clearing Up Live Mud?
(3 replies)
From 5.1 Surround Mix To Dvd Audio
(5 replies)
Re-scoring Already-scored Films
(1 reply)
Fast Start 5.1 Aac Test: Try It Now !
(1 reply)
Microtonal Compositions
(6 replies)
192k V. 96k V. 88.2k
(1 reply)
Juggling Studio Roles
(8 replies)
Talent Is Quality In The Flowchart
(0 replies)
Encoding Formats For Best Digital Djing
(0 replies)
Midi Help With Motif Rack/pro Tools
(0 replies)
Bounce On Logic Pro 7.0
(2 replies)
Best Live Multi-track Config?
(0 replies)
Ric Ocasek's Recording Tips In Future Music (us)
(0 replies)
Ptools And Aggregate Devices
(2 replies)
Firepod-blinding Instrument Volume While Recording
(3 replies)
Firepod Recordings Are Quiet
(2 replies)
(15 replies)
Computer Environmental Noise in Mic
(2 replies)
Adding New Beat Loops And Samples To A Track
(3 replies)
Compensating For Bass With Headphones
(1 reply)
Tempo Correction
(1 reply)
Skipping A Beat
(0 replies)
(0 replies)
Working With Aiffs
(2 replies)
Bass Lines
(7 replies)
Connecting G5 To Es Rack And Mbox
(3 replies)
Quick Question
(0 replies)
Dat Synch?
(2 replies)
Music Producers
(3 replies)
Tempo Mapping In Pro Tools Le 6.9
(0 replies)
Help Me In Eiditing This Music File
(1 reply)
Guitar Intonation Problem
(3 replies)
Chicken And Egg - Chicken And Egg
(7 replies)
No Wave Form When Recording In Pro 7??
(0 replies)
How To Achieve Low Fi Sound?
(5 replies)
Live Performance With Software Synths
(0 replies)
How Is It Done?
(7 replies)
Vocal Production
(6 replies)
Midi Question
(1 reply)
Music School
(0 replies)
Drum Machine Tuning
(5 replies)
Anybody Knows Payable Masterstudios?
(0 replies)
Ms Micing
(0 replies)
Setting Up My Alesis Multimix 8 Usb Mixer
(1 reply)
Isolating Vox (acapellas) Help
(5 replies)
Line In Vs. Usb Audio Interface
(4 replies)
Sample Rate
(2 replies)
Dormant Composer In Need Of Advice Please...
(2 replies)
Live Show Music...
(2 replies)
Roll Or Delay Effect?
(4 replies)
Finding The Key?
(1 reply)
Mbox And Powerbook G4 Noise Reduction
(0 replies)
(3 replies)
Studio Design
(4 replies)
Convertion W/ Peak
(1 reply)
Optimizing Mac Os X For Audio
(2 replies)
Cpu Usage Vs Audio Quality
(10 replies)
Bounce Midi Track Down To Audio Track???
(2 replies)
Right/left From Center Audio Separation
(5 replies)
Converting Songs To Mp3
(6 replies)
Commercial Midis
(0 replies)
Sequencing Drums With "feel"
(7 replies)
Soundproofing One Wall
(10 replies)
Bouncing To Disk In Dp 4.12
(2 replies)
Problems Separating L/r Signals Without Bleed
(1 reply)
Audio Programs And How Easy It Is To Move Aiff's
(1 reply)
Making Good Loop For Live
(0 replies)
Recording Your First Samples
(2 replies)
Altiverb - Hints, Tricks And Etc
(0 replies)
Synthetic Music Illusion
(3 replies)
Need Some Help With Orchestration
(2 replies)
How Loud?
(10 replies)
Compression Settings
(0 replies)
Can A Singer Be "too Loud"?
(6 replies)
Phase Shifting
(0 replies)
Educate Me -mixing
(1 reply)
Getting It On Cd
(4 replies)
Writing For The Real Orchestra
(9 replies)
Difference Level. The Article.
(0 replies)
Looking For That Minimal Tech Sound , Which Au's
(0 replies)
What Is The Best Way To Link 2 Macs Together?
(6 replies)
Bouncing With Protools - Inaudible Track Inserts
(4 replies)
Online Courses..
(1 reply)
Thumping Kick Drum?
(4 replies)
Best Mic?
(8 replies)
Reversing Stereo Files
(2 replies)
Mash Ups Technology
(4 replies)
Need To Add Vocals To Instrumental
(3 replies)
Keyboard Specifications
(5 replies)
Calculate Bpm Of An Acapella In Logic??
(3 replies)
The Music Theory Behind Trance?
(21 replies)
Reverb Questions
(3 replies)
Music (keyboard) Teaching Software On Osx?
(1 reply)
Stumped In Nn-xt
(2 replies)
Recording Direct Into Digi002 (mixer Or No?)
(4 replies)
15 Ways To Remove The Unwanted Noises From Records
(2 replies)
Wav To Midi Conversion (10 Programs) :
(2 replies)
Syncing 4-track To Pro Tools
(1 reply)
Midi And Audio Gating
(0 replies)
Audio Editing Program
(1 reply)
Burning Music On Film
(2 replies)
5.1 Question
(1 reply)
Simple Audio Editing
(2 replies)
My First Orchestration
(1 reply)
Storage Question
(2 replies)
Syncing Problem...
(0 replies)
Music For Web
(11 replies)
Agalogue Tape Machine Alignment
(1 reply)
The Secrets Of Dither...
(2 replies)
Error Bits And Aiff Question??
(2 replies)
Enhancing Ovation Gtr Sound In Digi001
(4 replies)
Drum Risers
(0 replies)
2nd Mic For One Source
(4 replies)
Bass Drum Sound
(1 reply)
16bit/24 bit
(4 replies)
Your filing System/Organization techniques
(1 reply)
MP3, encoding and bits
(1 reply)
Audio Bit Depth/Sampling Rates
(1 reply)
Merging Time Sigs, Logically
(-- replies)
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