Radium 61 & Audio Midi Setup, ... my keyboard doesn't work anymore! |
Sat 21 Feb 2004, 20:09

Group: Members
Posts: 86
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From: Playa Del Rey - US
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Hi everybody,
my Radium 61 keyboard is not recognized anymore in AMS. The only thing that's there is a driver called "IAC Driver". I reinstalled the Radium's driver many time, unplugged and replugged the keyboard, and I even resinstalled Panther, but nothing seems to work!
What's strange is that the keyboard is technically working when plugged to the USB port (digital display is working and changes when I move the sliders and knobs). I tried to reset the keyboard's firmware but nothing changed at all.
Does somebody have an idea on what to do to get my keyboard working again ?
Thx, Hellgi
Powermac G4 @ 2x1Ghz, 1.5GB Ram, 4x250GB 7200rpm, Graveur DVD ; AluBook 15" @ 1Ghz, 2GB Ram, 100 GB 7200rpm, Superdrive ; iPod 5G 30 Go, DELL 24" (x2), DELL 20", Mackie HR624, MOTU 828mkII, mBox, Korg Kontrol49 ; Logic 7, Pro Tools 7, Digital Performer 5 - http://www.jeromeleroy.com
Wed 17 Mar 2004, 14:29

Group: Members
Posts: 4
Joined: 07-Nov 01
From: Indianapolis - US
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I have radium 49 installed on my Mac... Quit and restart AppleMidi, and you should see "1X1" in addition to the IAC driver. Maybe you need to download the newest drivers from M-audio.
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