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> Tascam Us-122 With Osx 10.3.2, compatable?
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post Fri 6 Feb 2004, 15:50
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That sounds like a problem you should contact Tascam about. I can't even begin to fathom what that might be.
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post Sun 8 Feb 2004, 09:57
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Make sure you have the latest software drivers.
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post Sat 14 Feb 2004, 21:05
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Problem: mac does not receive signal from interface...drivers? i dunno...
Solution: "your input here"

Using garageband and Reason2.0 set all preferences...
i installed everything correctly(checked it twice)
and checked all my cables, and set all System Preferences...tascam even receives signals from instruments and midi, just computer doesn't.
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post Sat 14 Feb 2004, 23:06
Post #14

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I've merged all the related US 122 threads, there seem to be SOME problem here blink.gif

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post Sun 15 Feb 2004, 02:38
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also just to put it out there i'm runninig a G5 with OSX 10.3.2
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post Thu 19 Feb 2004, 05:23
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Hi. i posted this on another thread, before i saw this one:

I just got a US-122, today. I am a home recorder, or I want to be. but i need some help getting the 122 to work. the users guide kind of made my eyes glaze over, i'm not familiar with much of the vocabulary. It's supposed to come with Cubasis but i can't find any Cubasis. GigaStudio just has a Setup.exe. I don't see any mac installer.

I have a 700Mz iBook(dual usb)G3 with OSX.2.3. I want to record my guitar, just for starters. I installed the drivers. I plugged in 122. I plugged in Les Paul. the signal light goes on. I selected Tascam 122 in Sound Control panel. I don't get any guitar sound through iBook speakers. I plugged headphones into 122. I can't hear any guitar, although I can hear some music i recorded using the iBook built in mike, with SoundStudio--that plays through the headphones when connnected to 122. So, 122 is acting as a sound interface of some kind with my iBook, but i can't hear the guitar playing through it. And i don't have any Cubasis to record with. I don't see any way to use SoundStudio with it.

I'm sure there must be something i'm not turning on or adjusting or connecting, or maybe it's just the lack of recording software. Its supposed to come with recording software, but where is it?. The users guide of 122 says there are user forums on the Tascam site but i don't see any link. I also see on the site that it says for US-428 users, they don't ship with Cubasis for the mac or it's not available yet, but will be shipped out when it becomes available. ??

Can anyone suggest some way i can get started with recording? I assume i need some software other than Sound Studio. Is there a mac installer for GigaStudio that i am mysteriously not able to see?

thanks to anyone who has any info. i feel apologetic for being so ignorant.
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post Thu 19 Feb 2004, 14:02
Post #17

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Welcome to MacMusic judy - no need to feel apologetic! wink.gif

First things first - the software that ships with the Tascam interfaces is not compatible with OSX. I believe Giga is PC only (not positive) and Cubasis will only run in OS9 (the real OS9, not classic). However, SoundStudio should work.

So it sounds like you're having no problems getting a signal in the 122. If you select the 122 as your sound output source (as you should) you won't be able to listen through your iBook speakers. Rather, you'll need to hook the 122 up to monitors or headphones. Since you got the computer's output through the 122 with your phones, you're on track. As for not hearing the guitar, I'm thinking that perhaps you don't have the direct monitoring switch on or the direct monitoring volume knob isn't turned up. Also, make sure your input is switched to guitar to bring the signal up to line level.

Once this is worked out, you'll probably need to select the 122 as a recording input source within SoundStudio. I'm not familiar with that app, but I'll guess there's some kind of audio preferences panel to do this.

BTW, Tascam took their forums down sometime last year when they began redesigning their website. Not sure if they have plans to bring them back or not, but that would be a shame, as it was a great resource. Meanwhile, feel free to come here with your problems.
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post Fri 20 Feb 2004, 00:15
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i recently bought a tascam us-122 also and am having problems with the record levels when using a mirophone input. levels are grand for the guitar option but it seems as if the mic preamps don't kick in under mic input. could this be the case or could it be possibly driver related?

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post Fri 20 Feb 2004, 00:52
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Hi. thanks a lot. I tried the head phones last night and it didn't work, but maybe i didn't have the direct monitoring switch on, i can hear the guitar in the headphones now.

i need a recording program that works with OSX

I just spoke to their tech support and they didn't know of any programs that are compatable. Do you know if Garage Band works with the US122? I couildn't find any way of selecting the US122 in Souind Studio. I'll keep trying. but i need a multitrack program too. I'd like to find something for mac like windows Ntrack, only 50 bucks, good program. but only for windows.
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post Fri 20 Feb 2004, 03:11
Post #20

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Glad you're up and running. Sounds strange that you can't select the 122 in SoundStudio. Regardless, if you want multitracking, just about anything should do as long as it's OSX compatible. Tracktion seems to be pretty popular ($80) but Garage Band should work as well and it's only half the price. Take a look around the getting started forum for further software suggestions. Good luck!
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