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> Add Banners And Netbarrier, code incompatibility
post Fri 30 Jan 2004, 23:36
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hi there, i got a lot of problems browsing thru the site until i realize pages were getting stuck due to stubborn add banner links trying to load despite Netbarrier was set to block them. I off'd the function and all went back to flow. This never happened anywhere else. This banners are sticky...

This post has been edited by dowser101: Fri 30 Jan 2004, 23:39
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post Sat 31 Jan 2004, 03:25
Post #2

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Our webmaster knows a trick or two on code… And advertisement raise money. If you qualify for Active Membership you can switch ads off wink.gif

Somebody must pay bandwith and the servers… wink.gif

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post Sat 31 Jan 2004, 17:42
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bon ben on va pas continuer en anglais...

j ai vu qu il y avait un systeme de points pour devenir active en participant au site, ça necessite quoi comme mission accomplie?
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post Sat 31 Jan 2004, 22:38
Post #4

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If you post in the English section, it HAS to be in English… grrrrr tongue.gif
I have enough to do by not having to move things around all the time please… Wacth the little language flag at top right before posting! blink.gif rolleyes.gif
And it'll be a little reminding in the EN section wink.gif

You need to add 60 points by participating to translation, articles…

Your points

How to gain them?

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post Sun 1 Feb 2004, 15:43
Post #5


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My apologies, not used to be a member in a fully bilingual forum, i saw the flag in every other section but once in the forum one i did not take care. Now i break another rule as this (and the last post) has nothing to do with this thread. Meet u where it should happen...
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post Sun 1 Feb 2004, 19:33
Post #6


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Well now the two topics will meet, this banner trick of ur webmaster is not very smart. Even with the filter off in NetBarrier it managed to crash Safari again. I don t have any problem with any other site. It has to do with tab browsing as it seems not to happen if i have only one location/tab opened in a lone window. If i have let s say the software page, a forum page, and try to post a re[ly/topic in a third tab, all from your site, i start to get into trouble...
This time it crashed a software submission that was nearly finished!!!
dough sad.gif

This post has been edited by dowser101: Sun 1 Feb 2004, 19:34
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post Sun 1 Feb 2004, 19:46
Post #7

Moderator In Chief (MIC)
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You'll be spanked laugh.gif laugh.gif

Very strange… never had this crash… Now, are you using safari beta 1? 1.0, 1.1 ? the beta 1.2?

I'm in 1.1 with the last security update and I have little troubles in Safari but it's page redraw when I go down a page. No crash.


I tell the webmaster… sad.gif

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Francois Déchery
post Sun 1 Feb 2004, 20:00
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- there is no special ads trick, the banners relaod each 90 sec. or so, and use a standart php ads system used on hundred thousand of sites...

- I can swear you i spend hours on macmusic, using safari, and often with 10-20 tabs open on different MacMusic page, usings forms on some, submitting at the same time, while realoading some others pages... I just NEVER had any crash with Safari.
The only crash i have with safari is when i dont quit it for about a week (i never reboot nor shutdown my macs). and the crash is not related with macmusic, it can happen at anytime, when Safari's memory become highly fragented.

Stable on my G4 733/756M 10.x
Stable on my imac 350/512M 10.3.x
Stable on my 2x1.25/768M 10.3.x
Also stable with Explorer (except the well known IE memory leak problem)

So the problem is on YOUR side, or you have 16M RAM tongue.gif

Just try with a clean/fresh OSX and an official Safari release, and it wont crash wink.gif

Note: that your internet connection must be sized to meet what you're are asking it: if you had some P2P sofwtares running in the background, be aware that they use a LOT of _outgoing_ BW (the one often limited to 128k with DSL lines). I've also noticed that is sort of software tend to to NOT release the BW, when another software need it. MOst of the time, they eat most of your bandwith just to inform the P2P relayers that you're available, so if you have 10 MacMusic page tryng to reload banners at the same time, it sounds nornal that you end up getting some trouble, because Safari can simply NOT connect.

launch your terminal and type 'Netstat' : it will inform you about all your TCP/sockects connections open at this time: you will see, that thoses P2P software are really BW intensives...

Take care cool.gif

Soif, MacMusic Webmaster

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post Mon 2 Feb 2004, 15:06
Post #9


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Thanks WM, i ll go thru urs point by point (nearly):
1-i had the NB add filter on when i came first and i crashed trying to post, but with a torrent uploading, you re right, so i deactivated NB add blocker and it went allrite for a while. I then crashed again while submitting as i was jumping from the submitted soft page to the submitting form, pasting the links, no p2p on at that time. As it was the same kind a crash and i m not used to this, i blamed this add reloading "trick" (hey, it IS a trick! no matter how many people use it. i don t mean any bad, i would have said a "hack" if i was blaming u wink.gif )

2- sounds like i wrote the first part, apart from the NEVER part biggrin.gif
I don t think i m concerned with high fragmentation, I do reboot my mac at least every time i install something as an admin that asks me to do itp (pretty often since i m upgrading my apps to panther compatibility). I relog pretty often as well and i even relaunch Safari 1.1.1 (v100.1) anytime it just acts weird. It crashed only on few occasions, mostly php forums (should i mention here the home page of M$J rolleyes.gif ) so i guess it IS related to this standard php add system. What i see is the address bar of safari getting the blue progress filling up to .org, then it stops and the little wheel keeps spinning in the tab header. Fortunately, it fully loads in fine 99% of the time.

3-PB800 DVI/512M 10.3.2

4-i think that s what i had in my 840AV, it used to be enough to make our third album with MACOS 7.5.3. It s still working perfectly.

It is clear that most of the problem i had under OS X are coming from the VM swap fragmentation, it sucks up to 3GO sometimes, eventhough i don t have more apps opened than usual, and forces me to restart. When i don t see it coming i have an alert saying there s no more sufficient space on the start up disk to save a file, and refuses to close iTunes because it could not saves its preferences.
It was doing it with Jaguar, still a problem with Panther
Nuff said, it comes ALSO from my side. But it s because i don t use a PC. biggrin.gif

5-R U joking , tongue.gif , that s 10.3.2, installed in December from the official beta and updated since thru SwUd. It s been nursed by Apple DU, NDD, DW and D10 after every update. Nothing cleaner 100 km around (maybe even 500 tongue.gif)

6-As i said there used to be some BT activity (sarwat app) but the second time it happened it was Safari alone, with few windows opened and one of them with few tabs on. Not even reloading any of it. Azureus was open in the BG but inactive.

7-thanks for this simple input, i m not using that stuff huh.gif but this one sounds pretty safe cool.gif
I m definitely going to check it with the official BT, the sarwat BT and Azureus to know their scores wink.gif

8- smile.gif pee®v@ngu@®d is taking care of me...

This post has been edited by dowser101: Mon 2 Feb 2004, 15:26
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post Mon 2 Feb 2004, 18:28
Post #10

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Reminder: P2P talk is a big no no here… (grrrr)

Now I see… a swap of 3 Gi EEEERRKKK

How do you do that? I'm at 128-256 Mi all the time.

Also, an upgraded OS from beta versions however you did each available upgrade including the final version is for me not a clean one. Note my system is upgraded from official 10.3 and only official releases. And the only time Safari quitted was after loooong runs of it. Safari is very keen on the swap also.

Maybe a file from a beta is lurking somewhere and f…ng things up. sad.gif

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