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> Pro Tools, ..motu, ..or Logic?, What to buy and what all do I need?
post Mon 15 Dec 2003, 07:59
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Well, I've read and then read some more, but I'm still a bit in the dark. Currently I own a modeling synth(Technics WAS1), digital multitracker(Fostex DMT 8vL), DBX 160SL Stereo Compressor, effects proccesors, etc. I want to get into the world of computer sequencing, recording, editing, mixing and hopefully mastering and I'll be laying down guitar & Bass tracks as well, but I'm wary as to what to get in the way of software/hardware.. Now, I'm aware that Pro Tools is the most widely used for it's ease of use, but it doesn't offer a suround application right out of the box as I've read, Logic does. And if I'm not mistaken, Motu also offers a surround apllication. So the question that I have is, ..Pro Tools 002, Logic 6.2.2, or Motu 828mkll & DP4 Machfive? And I'm not certain exactly all that I'll need, specifically. The only thing I've been confident in buying so far was the new Mac G4 Laptop w/ Superdrive. ...If anyone can help me with specifics on any or all of the platforms mentioned, as to what all I'll need to get to have a complete system set up and running, Id so appreciate it. For example, when Digidesign 002 says to just plug in the firewire cable, install the software and your ready to record, is that really all there is to it? Asside from having a monitor source(speakers), good mics, etc,. of course. Also, can I and if so, should I make use of my beautiful DBX 160SL, which I paid big big bucks for or should I sell it along with my outboard digital multitracker? ....Any specific help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Miles
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The King of Hell...
post Tue 16 Dec 2003, 09:02
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Hi Nels!!.
I just bought a Motu 828 and I am quite happy with it but maybe you should listen to somebody that has had the chance to compare the Digi 002 and the Motu 828 to be able to draw some conclusions.Anyway I just wanted to say to you that the Software that comes with Motu 828 MKII is not DP but Audio Desk 2 for OSX and 1 for OS9 and none of them support Surround capabilities.
I would not sell the DBX compressor, it is handy to use it when recording (specially percussive stuff, like the snare, kick drum) before converting the signal into digital audio to have a better control of it and avoid digital distortion.
I do not know the digital mixer you have but bear in mind what kind of recordins you want to do.If you are planning to record drums or maybe live gigs you need plenty of mic preamps and you only get two with the MOTU 828 and four with the Digi 002.

I hope it helps!!!
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post Tue 16 Dec 2003, 13:59
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DP4 includes MIDI sequencing and surround sound processing, Audio Desk only audio recording. It is very processor intensive and if you are planning on using a Powerbook you need to know that the number of tracks that you record (with plug-in effects) will be limited to 7 or 8 depending on how many plug ins you use. With none, you will be able to record at least 16 tracks of simultaneous audio. The MOTU 828mkII (firewire interface) works quite well but only has 2 inputs with preamps so if you are going to need more mics, you will need another mic preamp. I am using the PreSonus Digimax Lt which has 8 mic preamps and light pipe out (which synchs nicely with the 828mkII). Another factor will be hard drive speed. The standard Powerbook hard drive will be ok but better to get an external 7200 firewire drive or upgrade the internal drive to a 7200. Also max out the RAM.
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post Tue 16 Dec 2003, 16:34
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Thanks guys!... Yes, helpful, but I'm still in the dark as to what to get. For example, if I dicide on Digi 002, would it be better to get the Digi 002 rack and use a different outboard controller? Or is the Digi 002 w/controller the way to go? And I know it's best to have a seperate harddrive(audio file storage) which I would get, but is that then all I would need, besides, of course, monitors,(powered?) mics(which I have all ready), etc., with Digi 002 as one choice? Now, how about for Motu? It seems from what I've read(confusing) that for each brand/platform, different things are needed and so, what would I need for Motu 828/896/Dp4? And how about Logic? Is it as invovled/hard to learn as stated in many articlces that I've read? Would Logic be better, since it's owned by Mac? And what all would I need for Logic? Interface this and interface that....all so confusing. Sure would be great if, like with guitars,amps and such, there were places where one could try out/work with these platforms to better understand before buying. Guitar Center, Sam Ash, etc. would probably make more sales and more importantly, make the buyer feel a lot more secure on what ever they decide to get. Are there such places, with different set ups, to try that I'm not aware of? (Chicgoland)
By the way, I'm a guitar player/songwriter. I usually sequence the drum parts, piano, strings, etc. and sometimes the bass parts as well. ....I'm glad to hear that my Blue series dbx 160sl compresssor will still be useful ........Well, thanks so so much for the input thus far. Hopefully, with a bit more I'll be able to figue this puppy out in order to make an inteligent decision.
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post Wed 17 Dec 2003, 00:25
Post #5

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Nels, have you taken a good look at Tascam FW1884?
I've heard a lot of good things about it. It has a bunch of stuff more than DIGI 002.
If you need SMPTE or word clock I/O from 002, you're out of luck.
And most of all the price is more bang for a buck.
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post Wed 17 Dec 2003, 00:53
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Thanks Azusa! I will do some looking and reading about the Tascam FW1884, starting riiiiight a few minutes. I do remember coming across it in all my research, but to be honest, I just passed it by. Sounds pretty cool, so definetly worth the look.! Finally feels like I'm getting somewhere. Thanks again so much for everyones input! Keep it coming and I'll keep on thanking?
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post Wed 17 Dec 2003, 06:53
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Well Azusa, I gotta say that now Tascam has become another option for me. Don't know if that's a good thing or bad, though, since now I have more to be undecided about. I downloaded some great pdf. files with all sorts of detailed applications for the Tascam. And in large/vivid color too. Now, why doesn't Pro Tools, Logic, etc. do that. Only thing though, I'm not clear on whether or not there is software included. If I got the Tascam FW1884, what all else would I need/should I get? And should I still get Digital Performer(which one?)?. I'm so confused as to what works best with what. I still have to figure out somehow, what all I should get with this or that. ... It needs to be explained to me like I'm a six year old, with specific examples of complete set-ups and a list of all that each platform/brand(Pro Tools, Logic, Motu, etc.
.....Thanks again for the tip and by the way, Happy Holidays, everyone.
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post Wed 7 Jan 2004, 15:39
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I'm also only getting started, so if I am wrong, please excuse me... but, from what I understand, DP4 and Logic are better suited for sequencing than Protools. Protools is the industry standard, but it is more geared toward sound engineering and post record editing.

I've been advised to stick with Motu828MkII and DP4. With the exception of a firewire cable and of course your computer, the only other thing needed would be some powered studio speakers. Mics,instruments,midi keyboard would also be nice.

I believe this is the route I will be going.


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