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> pro tools or alternatives?, Looking for the right interface&record/edit software
post Sat 20 Apr 2002, 22:10
Post #1


Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 20-Apr 02
From: Toronto
Member No.: 4,334

Just purchased a g3 blue with a g4 400 upgrade, 256 megs, 30 gigs of drive (presumeably 2 drives).If it ever arrives (ebay), I will begin the quest for the rest of the digital audio package.I currently use an a-dat,dumping tracks to my friend's g-4 for editing etc. on pro-tools. In a sea of products, I'd love some guidance re: which way to jump. Should I seek out the used protools le/oo1(selling around here for about $1250 Can.or$750 US.), or is there a cheaper/better way out there? I trust I'm in for some hardware expenditures before the dust settles, but since musicians making money seems to be all but phased out, I must choose my battles.

Thanks for any input, folks.


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