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> Yamaha A400 Woes
post Tue 24 Jun 2003, 03:35
Post #1


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Joined: 20-Jun 03
From: San Diego - US
Member No.: 19,991

Going beyond the crappy manual and dissicult O/S, when I sample sounds from my Ensoniq TS-10 into the A400, they don't sound like the original comming out of the A4000. I tried stringing samples together and it still sounded flat. The sampled sound lacks depth. I am doing no filtering. Anybody out there have any insight? angry.gif
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post Fri 27 Jun 2003, 09:02
Post #2

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From: Chandler - US
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Hmmmm...... I don't know exactly what the devices are that you are talking about, and I don't know what kind or audio conection you are using (cheep home made wires, expencive cables, ect..), but I'll take a stab at it anyway! Usually when I run across something like this, I apply this rule: All sounds recorded will sound exactly like the original (within reason). If not, there a couple of things that could be causing this. Most common one is that you are not actually hearing what the sampler is recording. By this I mean you are either listing to the sound going thru the sampler, or have an inadiquate monatoring system. If you are listining to the sound comming thru the sampler, you are actually listining to the device that created the original sound, and not what is actually being recorded. I find people doing this all the time, and causes great frustration. After all, they are listening to the original sound, and don't have any idea that the audio settings in the recording device are all messed up, untill playback. So that would be where I'd start. Find out how to listen to play through in the manual, go into those settings of the sampler, poke around a bit, and see if that changes anything. It could also be a setting your missing like recording mono instead of stereo, internal EQing ect, but untill you are sertain you are listining to what's actually being recorded, you will never know. Just my $.02! biggrin.gif

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