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> Power Book Or Mac Book Pro?
post Thu 9 Mar 2006, 15:25
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Hi folks i just created my account for this site, because i am going to buy my first Mac...after too many pcs! unsure.gif this is my question.. i will use my new laptop mostly for Music creation (garage band and - pro tools... i know a desktop computer would be better but i will go with the notebook) and Internet, now, should i get the new mac book pro or the 17" Power Book 1.67 Ghz will be enough especially for music creation? should i get 1 Gb of memory instead of the standard 512 Mb ? im looking forward to read your suggestions guys... hurry up i wanna go buy my Mac NOOOWWWWWWW .. thank you and i'll talk to you soon , Bye


This post has been edited by Arth70: Thu 9 Mar 2006, 15:26
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post Thu 9 Mar 2006, 16:25
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It depends how patient you are. The new GarageBand with the intel Macs is absolutely amazing. I'm just experimenting with it as we speak, but it's so awesome!! Pro Tools will not officially be compatible with the new intel Macs until May, though - and unfortunately some of their drivers and M-Powered software isn't even ready. In fact, M-Audio was so lax on driver updates that I had to temporarily shelve my Ozone and buy an Edirol PCR-M80 midi controller - just because Edirol had the intelligence to design high quality gear AND keep up to date with the professional.

But - if you can wait, I would recommend getting the Mac book. I bought the intel iMac and am totally in love with the thing. It's going to be where Apple's technology is moving towards anyway, so why not invest in the future? As far as ram, always always ALWAYS get as much as you can. If you can do 1 gig, I'd say do it - 2 would even be better. Don't get me wrong, 512 is enough (and it's what I currently have) to do a lot with - but for audio in particular you'll find that more RAM is simply a necessity.

Hope this helps!

"Taco" Rob
Yellow Beak Records
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post Thu 9 Mar 2006, 16:40
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Thank you sooo much Yellowbeak, but let me ask you this last question plz, what are the differences with garage band on the Mac Book Pro and the one on the Power Book, is it just faster or it is a new version?
Yes i agree why not invest in the future, you are absolutely right but my thing is, im totally new to mac so it would be nice to get a lot of programs for it right away instead of waiting till the summer , it would be nice start working on pro tools right away etc etc, so plz let me know if there is a real difference with garage band between the 2 laptop the old and the new one and what the difference is/are Thank you again.


This post has been edited by Arth70: Thu 9 Mar 2006, 16:50
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Digi V
post Thu 9 Mar 2006, 20:09
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if you can wait for a new laptop i'd say wait for hte new macbooks with merom chips.

those are going to be amazing.

if you cant wait and dont mind waiting a few more months for software than go macbook.

there absolutely NO WAY i can reccomend you going another powerbookg4
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post Thu 9 Mar 2006, 20:34
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well, thank you guys for your suggestions but, i just got the 17" Power Book !!!!(no way that i could wait!! laugh.gif ), the M-Audio 61keys Keyboard, the M-Audio speakers, the sustain pedal and Headphones im just unpaking everything and im so excited..i upgraded the memory to
1,5 Ghz so now it will be definitly great....ok let me enjoy my first Apple computer!!!!! see ya

This post has been edited by Arth70: Thu 9 Mar 2006, 20:35
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post Thu 9 Mar 2006, 20:41
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Well, the new version of Garage Band allows for some pretty cool features. A lot of the features, though, revolve around iLife '06 in general. There are some cool things for pod casting, adding artwork, etc - a host of neat little frilly things...For audio recording, though, I will say the performance is noticeably better compared to my experience with Garage band on an iBook G4 - with seemingly better software instruments, as well.

I do agree, though, that it would be kind of weird to put the money into a Powerbook. It may take some time for other apps to come around, but the realistic side is that's where they will move to anyway. The new Garage Band will keep you more than occupied, as well other music apps that you can find all over the place. I love my dual core processor; it makes a huge difference and is totally worth it.

I'm partially impatient too - I want that new Pro Tools M-Powered to be available. I even loaded the demo on my iBook, thinking it'd be a good idea - only to find out you can't save or export =)

You have my vote for the new Mac book man - like Nike says, Just do it!

"Taco" Rob
Yellow Beak Records
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UP Multimedia
post Fri 10 Mar 2006, 08:32
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17" PowerBook will certainly do the trick... I got one of those too... But, but, but... I Had to also get a G5 Desktop... The PowerBook did not have the guts to deal with all my Audio... Perhaps with MIDI... But, as I recall it "maxed" quickly with GarageBand to my surprise... Not a MIDI person, yet, working on it though... Anyone wanna buy a 17"... Only using it for E-mails lately... Only joking, never sell my gear, especially when people want it for free, plus shipping... I'd rather give it to one of my grandkids.
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Digi V
post Sat 11 Mar 2006, 03:38
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i hope he didn't thinnk the 17inch had intel in it.
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