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> Reason 2.0
post Fri 27 Sep 2002, 00:02
Post #11

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hi stanshands,
i think you'll agree that reason is pretty c#@p at recording vocals etc though, yes?
it does lack lots of the features that logic etc offer, and it tends to be best for certain types of music. wink.gif
synthetic, the midi sync via the iac bus is absolute sh1t, couldn't be any worse really!
the only way, currently, to use reason with other more "pro" sequencers is to bounce your work in reason to audio and load this into the other sequencer! a waste of time for me i'm afraid...
horses for courses then. tongue.gif

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post Fri 27 Sep 2002, 12:17
Post #12

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Basically, Reason 2.0 and ReWire won't really work with Logic 5.3.0 in OS X. I think it's a case of handbags at ten paces between Emagic and Propellerhead Software. On their website, Emagic claim that ReWire implementation is due, but is reliant on external developments. Talking to Propellorhead's technical support folk, they told me they've passed all the necessary info to Emagic and it's now up to them to integrate it into Logic.

Aah, computers. sad.gif
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post Fri 27 Sep 2002, 13:44
Post #13


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Vocals? What's a vocal? oh, you mean chick singer. I obviously don't do much recording. I like to watch the babe girate while I play - I call it insppiration. Guess the rest doesn't matter much. Sorry I'm not some bigwig recording producer with an attitude. Serves me right for offering a friendly suggestion.
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post Fri 27 Sep 2002, 20:19
Post #14


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MAC FRIENDS !!!! Hello, I am new here.

I also am using Logic 4.8.1 and Reason 2, but am doing it in OS 9.2 . This doesn't work well and i have massive latency. BUt i thought that maybe it was because I was using an PB G3 400. but it sounds like it's a Logic problem.

How i do things now is make a click track and basic tracks in Reason, export them as a sound file and then import that into Logic as a track. that is my hack. Is there a better way to do this?

My question is: I like Logic and want to use it, but only if they are committed to updating their Rewire problems? If not, I won't buy Logic 5+ ever. SHould I wait to see what they do, or go with another program which integrates Reason + digital audio better? ANy suggestions?

thanks ~ starfruitman
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post Fri 27 Sep 2002, 23:59
Post #15


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My question is: I like Logic and want to use it, but only if they are committed to updating their Rewire problems?  If not, I won't buy Logic 5+ ever. SHould I wait to see what they do, or go with another program which integrates Reason + digital audio better? ANy suggestions?

I've never used Logic, so I can't speak to that, but I've had excellent experiences with Cubase and Reason via Rewire on OS9 on my G4 400.

Supposedly the Rewire implementation in the new Cubase (SX) for the PC is solid, so I expect that the Mac OSX version, due 10/10, will have strong Rewire implementation as well.
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post Sat 28 Sep 2002, 01:42
Post #16


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I am a big fan of Reason...though I have been using it on a Sony Laptop... I am buying an Apple soon (thank god for hybrid discs). I use mostly PC only now I am looking for replacements for my usual stuff that run in OS X. Peak or Spark and Deck seem ok... I don't use Midi so not a big deal. What are people using for mastering (limiting, reverb etc) in OS X? I will be using Reason 2.0, Live 1.5, Deck LE as well...which are fine in OS X...but as far as an editor with compression, limiting, decent reverb in OS X...I'm lost. Spark? Peak?
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post Sat 28 Sep 2002, 02:32
Post #17

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QUOTE (StansHands @ Sep 27 2002, 12:44)
Vocals? What's a vocal? oh, you mean chick singer. I obviously don't do much recording. I like to watch the babe girate while I play - I call it insppiration. Guess the rest doesn't matter much. Sorry I'm not some bigwig recording producer with an attitude. Serves me right for offering a friendly suggestion.

there's only one thing worse than a "bigwig recording producer with an attitude" and that's a newbie with "attitude". laugh.gif
thanks for calling me a "bigwig" on the basis that i actually record vocals, even MALE vocals god forbid!
have you thought about what you want to do when you grow up?
laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif
i guess from your response that.
1. you are "simple".
2. you ain't no stravinsky.
3. it serves me right for offering a FRIENDLY SUGGESTION...
don't worry, i won't be answering any more of your posts. angry.gif
f. o. !

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post Sat 28 Sep 2002, 21:09
Post #18


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QUOTE (taco6 @ Sep 28 2002, 00:42)
I use mostly PC only now I am looking for replacements for my usual stuff that run in OS X.

Hi Taco6. I am in a very similar situation to you!!

Up until July 2002, was using a Dell Inspiron 8000 based DAW. USB conflicts, crap latency and spikes in all my audio when the fans kicked in and out. NIGHTMARE!!

Took the plunge & got a Ti Book 800 (never used a Mac before EVER!!)
Just fantastic. Here's a good example.... Reason 2.0 with Tascam US-428 on Windows 98SE with the Dell, P3 1.13Ghz?? Lowest usable latency was 26ms. YUCK!!

Reason 2.0 with US428 under Mac OS X?? Lowest usable latency is 3.6ms. I KID YOU NOT. Give Steve Jobs reason to grin and MAKE THE SWITCH NOW!! wink.gif

I use IK Multimedia T-racks for mastering Reason tracks. It's the perfect complement: adds lovely tonal detail & subtle nuances that would be impossible with Reason's effects.

Only had the PC version..... which I now have running almost perfectly in a guest installation of Win 98SE through Connectix Virtual PC 5.0 in OS X 10.2!!
I say "almost", coz when you do a live preview, tweaking knobs etc while the audio is playing, you get a bit of crackling & breaking up. But, when you "process" the track, the resulting audio file is perfect. Must be something to do with the way virtual PC ports Windows-generated audio to Mac audio..... Perfrectly usable though, and better than shelling out another 300 USD or so for the dedicated Mac version (which I think may be OS9 only anway?!)

(sorry for the length!! wink.gif )
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post Sun 29 Sep 2002, 14:06
Post #19


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QUOTE (eyeMAJIC @ Sep 28 2002, 15:09)
QUOTE (taco6 @ Sep 28 2002, 00:42)
I use mostly PC only now I am looking for replacements for my usual stuff that run in OS X.

Hi Taco6. I am in a very similar situation to you!!

Up until July 2002, was using a Dell Inspiron 8000 based DAW. USB conflicts, crap latency and spikes in all my audio when the fans kicked in and out. NIGHTMARE!!

Took the plunge & got a Ti Book 800 (never used a Mac before EVER!!)
Just fantastic. Here's a good example.... Reason 2.0 with Tascam US-428 on Windows 98SE with the Dell, P3 1.13Ghz?? Lowest usable latency was 26ms. YUCK!!

Reason 2.0 with US428 under Mac OS X?? Lowest usable latency is 3.6ms. I KID YOU NOT. Give Steve Jobs reason to grin and MAKE THE SWITCH NOW!! wink.gif

I use IK Multimedia T-racks for mastering Reason tracks. It's the perfect complement: adds lovely tonal detail & subtle nuances that would be impossible with Reason's effects.

Only had the PC version..... which I now have running almost perfectly in a guest installation of Win 98SE through Connectix Virtual PC 5.0 in OS X 10.2!!
I say "almost", coz when you do a live preview, tweaking knobs etc while the audio is playing, you get a bit of crackling & breaking up. But, when you "process" the track, the resulting audio file is perfect. Must be something to do with the way virtual PC ports Windows-generated audio to Mac audio..... Perfrectly usable though, and better than shelling out another 300 USD or so for the dedicated Mac version (which I think may be OS9 only anway?!)

(sorry for the length!! wink.gif )

Don't worry...I'm buying an Apple in three weeks. Also, I will continue using PCs as well. I'm not worried about not being able to do what I want...I will start to build my Apple software library up right is an exiciting time with the big shots starting to make stuff for OS X. I just think it pays to own both systems if you can afford it. I like a few PC only programs I need a PC...but I love the Macs reliability....and there are a few Mac only programs as well. I can't wait.
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post Sun 29 Sep 2002, 17:54
Post #20


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Hey Damann,
I didn't mean any harm. I'm just trying to get involved. When I grow up I'll probably be dead. My apologies for not specifically justifying my sarcasm. It's also shows my wannabeeism. So, I'll stay tuned in so I can learn something, hopefully alot.

"please be gentle; i'm still a virgin there"java script:emoticon(':-/')
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