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> Reason 2.0
post Tue 24 Sep 2002, 00:57
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I'm looking for a comprehensive set of soft synths and drum machines running on os x that will likely be compatible with what ever platform I eventualy decide to invest in (logic 5.3, cubase sx, digital performer) I have limited experience working with midi and am wondering if Reason 2.0 with a midiman usb keyboard would be a good way to go.

Thanks all,

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post Tue 24 Sep 2002, 02:09
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hi wonx,
what you're looking for here just dosen't actually exist yet!
it's what we're all looking for. wink.gif
reason, although not representing this, is extremely good, and for now, along with logic, is basically, your only choice... unsure.gif

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post Wed 25 Sep 2002, 19:56
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Thank you for your reply damann.

Say, I've been playing arround with the reason 2.0 demo and am growing to like it. I don't own a midi interface so I can't get the synths to work, but they sound great in the demos. How about the MidiMan USB key stations, namely the oxygen 8? I was happy to see they have 10.2 drivers. Will they work well with Reason on my PowerBook G4 550?

Can anyone give me their two cents on these product?

Thank's all! This Agora is such a great resource.

-W biggrin.gif
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post Thu 26 Sep 2002, 00:38
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sounds like my thread!! wink.gif

Ti book 800, OSX 10.2.1, Reason 2.0, Oxygen 8.

Runs like a dream.

A nice budget set up (if u don't include the Ti book!!).

Reason is great. Obviously no multitrack audio, but you can use some trickery to work in vocal etc.. I record live audio using either my Korg Triton or Deck LE 3.5 on the Mac. Then chop it up, & insert it into a Redrum module or two. Synch is hit or miss, but it works well.... Nice running vocals through Reason's effects.

Effects aren't much good for mastering, I run all my final mixdowns through IK Multimedia T-racks..... It's the daddy!! Especially for the kind of sounds that Reason produces.

Anything specific u want to know about the setup, ask away. wink.gif

BTW...... best Ti book upgrade EVER.... IBM 40GNX 40Gb hard drive.... the speed difference over the standard PB G4 drives is amazing when working with apps such as Reason / Logic etc. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for all Ti-based audio freaks!!
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post Thu 26 Sep 2002, 02:47
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hey eyemajic, welcome aboard and thanks for the advice, i'll check it out!
looks like you had a safe landing wonx!
good luck to you both and i look forward to future communications. cool.gif
peace, later...

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post Thu 26 Sep 2002, 10:51
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Ah, go on then - I'll chuck in my two cents! biggrin.gif

iBook 600MHz, OS X 10.1.5, Reason 2.0, Oxygen 8 - works fine (and sounds great). The only problem I've had is with USB conflicts, in that occasionally my Oxygen 8 drivers have "disappeared". This tends to happen if I unplug it and turn my Mac off at any time.

If I then download the drivers again and reinstall, everything's cool. Odd, but no big deal. Happens with my Edirol interface, too. blink.gif

Just waiting for ReWire implementation now so I can hook up Reason 2.0 with Logic 5.3.0. Looking forward to that!
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post Thu 26 Sep 2002, 13:54
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I'm using Reason 2.0 on my Powerbook G3. I've got a midiman 2x2 USB interface to my Alesis 7.1 controller(via midi cables, of course). Everything works perfect. For the first time, I actually have everything working in harmony. Even my outboard USB diskette drive doesn't fight my USB stuff.
Reason is the balls. Every day I'm learning something new that it does. The keyboard sounds are excellent, and I love watching the tone wheels move on the screen when I move them on the controller. Doesn't seem to be much of a latency problem either, but I'll find out when I'm performing with my tight drummer who won't put up with any latency bullshit when I siwtch from "live" to "loop" so I can solo.
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post Thu 26 Sep 2002, 20:52
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Wow! thank's for the info. Just a quick question.

Could someone verify that Reason's Rewire interfaces with logic audio 5.3. Is it truly"seemless".

Can you still change the parameters on each track from reason while in logic, or did i miss understand the promo material .

Basically what I'm looking for is a virtual band. Step by step I want to put Reason 2.0 w/ Logic 5.3 + Oxygen 8 + firewire interface.

Hope I'm on the right track


I apprciate the help.

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post Thu 26 Sep 2002, 21:42
Post #9

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I did a little research on Reason 2 with Logic just recently. I asked my sweetwater rep about the two working together and was told that using Rewire... You could send audio tracks to Logic no problem but working with midi was another story. I was told that you could send midi tracks to Reason using the IAC midi bus but it was extremely slow and lots of latency. He claims its so bad that you might as well just keep midi sequences within Reason and tweak in Reason's sequencer

I was thinking about getting Reason 2 so I would have the new synth and sampler to use from within Logic but after my rep told me that... i opted to just get the ESX24 sampler for Logic instead. Less features but still love it.

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post Thu 26 Sep 2002, 22:02
Post #10


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I don't know why you need any of the other stuff because Reason is my whole band. I hook up the midi, record tracks, play it back with all the istruments. Maybe I'm simplistic, but I think it's got to do with the music, not the technology. It's got a nice loop feature, great drums, editing of the notes, everything I need, but, hey, I'm not Stravinsky either.
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