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> Logic Pro 7 Petition, Misc
post Sun 17 Oct 2004, 02:44
Post #21

Moderator In Chief (MIC)
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Fields, can you scan the thing for us ? If so, contact me by PM.

That's something VERY interesting. I'm shure customers will educate themselves not to believe a company who is stomping on its customers. angry.gif angry.gif angry.gif

And yesterday passed by 50 meters Apple Europe buildings. Arrrgh!

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post Sun 17 Oct 2004, 05:18
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Sorry mate,

I went and threw it away in a fit of madness. I even looked through the trash, but couldn't find it.

I suppose if you file an online complaint with the Better Business Bureau ( here in the states (which is what I did), you'll get the same letter.

Apple responded directly to BBB then, BBB sent me a copy of the letter from Apple.

The last sentence in the Apple letter went something like: "We look forward to receiving correspondence regarding the closing of this claim."

I just stepped in a big pile of SASSY!

I'm gonna try Consumer Affairs next... I'll report back, and be sure to save the letter this time

This post has been edited by Fields: Sun 17 Oct 2004, 05:20

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post Mon 18 Oct 2004, 06:48
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blink.gif I couldn't help but notice two words within my daily email update regarding the LogicPro 7 Petition. They were, as if you don't already know,"Apple Petition". I long ago stopped attempts to gain any help from Apple on anything. I discovered long ago that they were completely useless, and that the warranty, Apple warranties, etc. were worthless and basically put in with the product to maintain some sort of connection to the status quo.
I abhore the way they do business, and luckily am able to find sites/forums such as this where there are dedicated Mac User's who will stop and take the time to respond to questions from others in some sort of a "pickle" so to speak. For them, and if you are one of those who do this, I extend much gratitude. For if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't even own a computer. I detest Windows, and have gotten past my rage at Apple. They really need to fix their attitudes toward those who have spent literally thousands (In this house, my best guesstimate would be roughly $20-25,000+. Every other month it seems they've got an update that throws you off kilter. 10.3.5 was a disaster, it kicked me offline until my ISP and their modem would "talk" with whatever Apple did in that upgrade.
The next upgrade I cannot, nor did I do, as, even tho they are aware of it, it will once again lock me out, until they once again send a techie out to the ISP. What a joke. Sorry for speaking out so loudly, I'll sign any petition anyone has ... wherever, whenever.
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post Tue 19 Oct 2004, 04:26
Post #24

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Thanks Fields… Please do! biggrin.gif

Maybe someone could make the same complaint to the BBB?
(Sorry, I'm not a Logic user, and not in the States either)

We could have the letter then wink.gif

I'll talk about this with the webmaster soon about what we'll do next.

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post Sun 31 Oct 2004, 02:36
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i will certainly send a complaint into the Better Business Bureau to try to procure a copy of this letter. Once i get it, i will be sure to post it online. This new upgrade thing is outrageous to me. Anyhow, where is this petition that i could sign?

Funny coincidence, when i was on the phone with pncbank a while ago, they too gave me a "we don't support our own customers" bullshit explanation. I had ran an online sale to the wrong check card once and tried to get it reversed. They told me that check cards are credit company funded, thus they have no control over what happens once a transaction was completed...whether you had $0 in your account or not (which i did). And the lady on the phone pretty much told me, "hey, card companies protect merchants so that is why they are accepted everywhere you go. Merchants know they will get paid..." Oh great, so that end of the business is good and dandy, but let's not think about the person carrying the card? i was fucking pissed...and this logic pro 7 upgrade thing is looking to take me to the same place.

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post Sun 31 Oct 2004, 07:02
Post #26

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It's a bit gone asleep, the guy on the FR side who did it sent it really fast (maybe a bit too fast). You have his email in the news starting this thread.

Now, if the next upgrade is done the same way, WE ( will raise the hell much much more (we can, no BS). angry.gif it's just some PR/code away (just more work for the team that's all).

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post Sun 31 Oct 2004, 07:42
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Move on!!

Gregory Ives Composer/Sound Designer/Producer
Portland, OR USA
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