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> Logic Pro 7 Petition, Misc
post Fri 8 Oct 2004, 18:20
Post #11


Dude, no one is forcing you to update. If what you have is working for you, stick with it. But, if you want the new features badly enough, it's worth something. This notion that everything should be free, forever, is ludicrist. Companies spend big bucks developing and improving software, they should be able to profit from their investment. If you think the price is too steep, then don't upgrade. From looking at what you get, it looks like a pretty good deal to me, I can't wait to get mine. But either way, you have a choice.
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post Fri 8 Oct 2004, 21:54
Post #12


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you're missing the point, no one is expecting software to be free forever.

You have to agree that if you purchased software and a new version came out 10 days later, you'd EXPECT the software company to give you the upgrade for free/or cheaper than the normal $300.

This is not a ludacris claim.

G5, Dual 2.0GHz, 2GHz RAM, 250G HD
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post Fri 8 Oct 2004, 22:20
Post #13

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As you asked Fields in the other thread, there's more than a hundred signatures. They have already been sent to Apple Europe director and to other destinations at Apple. Didick just announced us.

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post Sat 9 Oct 2004, 05:12
Post #14


I purchased Logic Pro 6 from the Apple Store on August 20, 2004, along with a dual processor G5 and Cinema Display. Now, seven weeks later, Apple Store representatives tell me that I would have to spend another $299 to upgrade to Logic Pro 7. The contrast with the statements that adorn the Apple Store website regarding the importance of customer satisfaction as well as with the policies of competing companies such as Mark of the Unicorn and Tascam — who offer free or low cost upgrades to recent purchasers could not be more stark. In my experience, in the software industry in general, the cost of upgrades is usually correlated with the time of the purchase of the product or previous upgrade. I think Apple's policy regarding the cost of upgrades to Logic Pro 7 for recent purchasers of Logic Pro 6 is not only unconscionable, but reflects poor and shortsighted business judement. Did this policy originate or high levels or does the lack of strategic business thinking and obliviousness to the potential negative effect on customers in this market suggest that it is a decision made by someone whose focus was "not getting in trouble with the boss"? It does not, after all, require genius to observe that this policy, if maintained, is likely to inflict lasting damage on Apple's reputation among members of the community to whom Apple hopes to market Logic Pro 7.
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post Fri 15 Oct 2004, 17:52
Post #15


Even though I think the price for Logic 7 is very reasonable for everyone who upgraded a long time ago, I still think there should be some kind of grace period for customers unfortunate enough to buy the upgrde n the past few weeks.

A friend of mine is still waiting for his G5 2x2,5 (after over 12 weeks), but since he has already received his crossgrade from Logic PC, Apple wants him to pay full prce for the Pro 7 Update... a little strange way of doing business, I think...

so please Apple: be reasonable and offer individual customers a decent deal. Don't alienate your customers. WE will all thank you for it, by not switching over to PC/cubase...

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post Fri 15 Oct 2004, 23:37
Post #16


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An earlier poster wrote that for Waveburner alone, the upgrade price is worth it.

Well........ sad.gif should read all the posts at the yahoogroups waveburner forum. Previous owners are complaining about the app not working properly (if at all), fewer features than the old OS9 version and faulty CD's !!!

I haven't received my Logic 7 update yet, so I can't comment. I'm one of those who paid for the Platinum->Pro upgrade, and must now pay the same again. I'll do it, as Logic is my music app of choice, but I'm REALLY not happy about the way that faithful paid-up users like myself get "rewarded" by Apple.

I feel that Apple could have made a small concession for upgrading from Pro6 to Pro7, and the goodwill they would have created would have been worth far more than the extra dollars they make on the current upgrade price.

Regards - Colin
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post Sat 16 Oct 2004, 07:58
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......the goodwill they would have created would have been worth far more than the extra dollars they make on the current upgrade price......

apple valuing customer satisfaction over hard cash?
oh tee hee
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post Sat 16 Oct 2004, 08:03
Post #18


QUOTE (Fields @ Oct 7 2004, 06:43)
People keep mentioning "Private Phone-calls" made to Apple, specifically, customers who bought LP6 within the last 2 months...


I've called several times and each time they put me on hold FOREVER, then come back and say there's nothing they can do.

What's the deal????

I called Emagic because I had bought Logic Pro 6 in the last week before the 7 release. Guitar Center has a "no questions asked" return policy. i returned my Logic Pro 6, paid the extra $99 and got Logic Pro 7. I appreciate that.

That said, Apple has pulled a bunch of bullshit when it comes to Audio Unit Plugins. If they don't shape the hell up, they are going to reap a massive backlash.

Apple: this is a shot across your bow. Don't fuck it up. Don't do it.
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post Sat 16 Oct 2004, 08:09
Post #19


QUOTE (Svarswami @ Oct 6 2004, 23:18)
Logic Pro 7 includes "Waveburner for OSX"
This alone would have cost you more than $300. Besides this there are a great lot of new features and plugins that look quite promissing to me.
People upgrading from version 5 are the really lucky ones this time.
We are living in a time when software is becoming increasingly more affordable all the time, so I really don't see too much reason to be unhappy.

Don't insult us. Don't make an ass out of yourself. Pros don't use 'Waveburner Pro'. Never had a need for it. Never will.
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post Sat 16 Oct 2004, 18:49
Post #20


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I got a letter from an Apple Exec today, basically saying, 14 days is the cutoff.

He also had the nerve to say that customers should educate themselves on new products/pricing/features etc before purchasing products. The beginning of his letter started with how Apple doesn't preannounce any of their products. Interesting......

G5, Dual 2.0GHz, 2GHz RAM, 250G HD
G4 PowerBook, 400MHz, 640MB RAM, 10G HD
P4, 2.0GHz, 512MB RAM, 40G HD

DP4, Cubase SX2, Live 3, Reason 2.5
Peak, Cool Edit Pro, Recycle
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