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Belligerent Entertainment
Music Industry / Labels
An entrepreneur from Rochester, NY who organized a recording studio and record label by 21 with the help of some dedicated partners and associates. Still in the learning process of things and eager to learn more than ever.
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Joined: 19-Mar 08
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I just introduced myself to MIDI and I'm stumped. Now I have a pretty good idea of what I may need to be successful but I was wondering if one of you could possibly help me.
What I'm trying to do is transfer data from my keyboard to the software I use on my computer.
My set up is this: Keyboard > MIDI cables > MIDI Interface > Recording Software
Now my question is, do I need anything else to be successful? I've read about MIDI controllers, would I need that to get my data in sync to appear on my software?
i.e: Keyboard > MIDI cables > MIDI Controller > MIDI Interface > Recording Software?
If someone could possibly walk me through this it would be greatly appreciated.
I have one other question. I have MIDI examples that open up in my recording software. How do I actually listen to the data or is it even possible?
Thank you!
Last Visitors
 Tuesday 25 March 2008 - 16:47
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