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Joined: 12-Jun 07
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Last Seen: Tue 18 Sep 2012, 21:42
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Has anyone got the same problem as me:
Whenever I quit ProTools m-powered v. 7.4.2prx92, Spotlight starts indexing from scratch again ... a process that takes several hours, using up most of the CPU!
my system: Leopard 10.5.3 MacPro Intel 2 x 2.66
... tis driving me nuts!
Is there any way I can use timecode in ProTools M-Powered? I see it is an option for ProTools LE (via DV Toolkit at a further expense of £700!!!!) I am fairly amazed that it doesn't come as standard as it does with Nuendo and Cubase. How can you handle any kind of serious scoring to picture without timecode?? Is there some kind of third party plugin which can handle this?
Can anyone please advise me on this? Despite having a half-decent machine to run my music studio, I am getting stupidly high CPU usage using ProTools M-Powered 7.43. And get frequent low-CPU messages despite running a bare minimum of plugins.
For example, without ANYthing loaded (i.e. no session), CPU usage is around 20% of the computer total. When I have a session loaded with no tracks, and no plugins, it is a little more than that.
It doesn't seem to make much difference whether I change the buffer sizes, or even the number of processors .... still very busy CPUs. I wonder what they are DOING all the time?
Any help much appreciated
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