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Born Oct 23, 1980
(44 years old)
73110 Oklahoma City
United States
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Joined: 02-May 07
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Last Seen: Mon 21 May 2007, 18:25
Local Time: Mon 16 Dec 2024, 07:36
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Hi everyone! I'm interested in getting started in the music creation world. I've been interested for a long time just never really did anything with it. I wouldn't really count messing around with crap program a few years ago named E-Jay. I've heard arguments of Logic Pro is better than Pro Tools but the latter is supposedly the "industry standard." Does anyone have any experience with both to say which is better? From the videos I've seen, Logic Pro looks amazing. I also like Logic Pro because of some of the famous users, like Trent Reznor, which I am a big fan of. He has always provided some inspiriation with my musical endeavors.
My first problem is I don't own a Mac, which leads me to my next question. I know what the system requirements are from the Apple site, but what do you guys/gals recommend? Being in the military, I am on a limited budget so a Mac Pro is out of the question right now. Would a Mac Mini or iMac be sufficient? Are the Jam Packs sufficient for production/creation or would I need to get more sounds/instruments from say www.soundsonline.com or www.vsl.co.at/en-us/65/71/214.vsl if Logic Pro supports them. I'm not sure what styles of music I would be making when I get everything together, but I know I would be helping a friend of mine with his projects of hip-hop/R&B. Though these are not styles I like, I'm trying to help him take back a genre that he feels has lost a lot of originality among other things.
Anyway, if you have any questions feel free to reply here or send me a private message. I have it setup to notify me when replies are posted. Thanks a lot for your time.
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