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I hope i die before i get old
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Gender Not Set
Born June 24, 1981 (43 years old)
91711 Claremont, CA
United States
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Joined: 24-Oct 02
Profile Views: 1,395*
Last Seen: Thu 14 Apr 2011, 14:19
Local Time: Sun 2 Mar 2025, 10:44
11 posts (0 per day)
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13 Jan 2004
i was wondering if any of you had any good recommendations for Reason refill files that are either free or a good bargain. i've been gobbling up nearly all the free ones i can find, and i just purchased a 4-pack of stuff from Sound Streamer for 15 bux (, i which i'm hoping will be a good deal. has anybody found any free refills that just blew them away? most of the free ones i've found are good but by and large unexceptional.

specifically i'm looking for good redrum kits and patches or other good drum loops. some nice synth pads would be helpful, too.
5 Dec 2002
i was wondering if anybody out there has any experience so far with either Absynth or Reaktor from Native Instruments. what exactly is the difference between the two programs? is one just more comprehensive than the other? and how do these programs compare to Reason? are they all basically the same (i.e. a soft synth program)?
2 Dec 2002
i just purchased a copy of reason, and i was wondering if any of you current logic x users could enlighten me on whether i should also invest in a copy of logic now or wait for the next update? i realize reason has a pretty unimpressive sequencer, but i'm not sure i need a full blown sequencing program just yet. anybody know how long till the next logic update?
25 Nov 2002
does anybody know if i can get logic on a student discount? or even an educator discount (my madre is a teacher)? or any kind of discount?
29 Oct 2002
ok, so maybe i exaggerated a little with the title, but this collaboration between pro tools and logic could serioulsy be something huge. my big question right now is whether this newfound friendship between the two godfathers of the biz will mean that i will at some point in the (hopefully near) future be able to use an awesome piece of machinery like the digi002 with an equally awesome program like logic; and, almost as cool, be able to use pro tools plugins with logic? i realize this might be a little too much to ask, but firewire makes me drool (literally) and it seems like pro tools has approximately 1 billion more plug-ins available than logic does.
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