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Born Aug 10, 1975
(49 years old)
87121 Albuquerque
United States
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I had been doing some research on what type of control surface to add to my studio:
I use a PowerMac G4 dual 867 processors 1.75MB of Ram Mac OSX.4.8 Tiger I use MOTU's Digital Performer 4.61 I have 2 UAD-1 PCI cards with a MOTU 828 mkII
The product I decided to buy is Tascam's FW-1884. For the most part it drives DP's most commonly used features great, but it gets sticky when I try to use it with Plug-ins. I've gone over all the documentation.
According to MOTU's tech, I should be running it in HUI emulation, that it's preferred.
The FW-1884 manual says to run it in FW1884 Native mode. (I think this one does work the best.)
And I tried the Mackie Emulation, still no luck driving my DAWs plugs or my UAD plugs.
The problems I'm experiencing are the following:
In using the Shuttle Wheel, when using the SHTL key, many parameters are skipped.
The parameters it does snap to respond, in a word, "chopppy."
Surely a piece of hardware this expensive can be configured to drive the stuff I want it to drive, right?
And yes, I have the latest drivers and software.
Joshua Favela Clear Image Studios
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