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Joined: 27-Oct 06
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Last Seen: Mon 19 Feb 2007, 07:30
Local Time: Wed 26 Feb 2025, 14:57
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18 Feb 2007
Hi, I am new to use LogicPro and mixer. I would like to seek for advice on some setup problems.

Recently I bought M-Audio NRV10 mixer, which integrates 10-in/10-out FireWire digital audio interface. I have installed the firewire driver provided by M-Audio and connected the mixer to my Mac with the cable. In System Preferences -> Sound, I have selected NRV10 multiple channels as input and output. In LogicPro, the track can output to "Output 1-2" (actually only "Output 1-2" is available. The others are dimmed. Is this something I set wrongly also?). I suppose that it will output to track 1 & 2 in my mixer? But there is no signal to my mixer. I also monitor via M-Audio control panel (it locates in System Preferences after installing the driver), but also cannot see any input/output signal when I play audio in LogicPro. Is there something else I need to setup?

Note: My mixer is connected directly to 2 monitor speakers. Although audio sound played in LogicPro cannot be listened, but those alert sounds from Mac can be listened from the speakers. So the connection from my Mac to mixer should be ok.
27 Oct 2006
Hi, I am new to LogicPro and I have just installed it. I have the following setup questions, and would like to see if any of you can give me some clue. Thank you.

1) how to set the default number of audio and audio instrument tracks upon opening a new file?
2) When I open a new file, there are duplicated tracks for each of the audio instrument appeared (now the tracks appear in this order: "Instr 1, Instr 2, Instr 3, Instr 4, Instr 1, Instr 2, Instr 3, Instr 4"). I'd like to remove these duplicated tracks from setup so that they won't appear in a new file. How can I do that?
3) Two Transport windows come out automatically when I launch LogicPro (and it will open a new file too). I just want one Transport window come out. How can I remove the second one by default?

Thank you.
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