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Musicians / Programmers
Musician / Audio Engineer (uncertified) / Gearhead / Freak
Gender Not Set
Born May 14, 1981
(43 years old)
90046 Los Angeles
United States
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Joined: 10-Oct 02
Profile Views: 3,740*
Last Seen: Wed 2 Jun 2004, 21:03
Local Time: Sun 15 Dec 2024, 01:04
23 posts (0 per day)
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That Powercore Firewire looks like a perfect addition to my iBook/828 rig. My only concern is how well the single Firewire bus on my iBook will handle an 828, a Firewire hard drive, and a Powercore running all at once. I know that several 828's are supposed to be able to run on a single Firewire bus with no problem, so that means there is quite a bit of bandwidth to spare, but I'm not sure how much my hard drive eats up at, say, 16 tracks of 24bit/44.1. Does anyone have any information on the bandwidth usage of the Powercore Firewire? Thanks...
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