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Musicians / Pianists Degree in percussion, play more piano, though. Have my own piano tuning business. Private pilot, juggling, sailing, comedyPersonal Info
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Born Sep 25, 1960
(64 years old)
73507 Lawton
United States
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Joined: 15-Jun 06
Profile Views: 2,029*
Last Seen: Sun 27 Aug 2006, 09:38
Local Time: Mon 16 Dec 2024, 00:38
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15 Jun 2006
To whom it may confuse:
I have been using DP for a few years. I just upgraded to DP 4.5 and everything went OK when installing and authorizing but when I try to start a NEW file there is a problem. I have tried to open previous files (DP 4.12) but it errors out and says that this file I am trying to open was created with a LATER version of DP and cannot be opened. The latest version of DP is the one I am trying to open this file with! Ok, then I tried to start a NEW file and then it says: An error has occured while writing to the disk. The file name "New File" was not saved. Try to save your file on another disk or folder or with a different name. Ok, I have done ALL of that. Then I select CANCEL and the app just quits after that. MOTU says to just uninstall and reinstall. I done that SEVERAL times. What else can I do? HELP!!! Thanks in advance and let me know how I may help YOU in the future! PianoPercMan aka David |
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