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Joined: 23-May 06
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Hey every1,
have had a read through the other similar problems and still have no joy in solving mine
My Problem:
I have recently changed over from PC to a Mac Mini Intel Duo Core. I Intalled my protools LE and upgraded it to 6.9.2.
When creating a new session it says "Session must be on an audio record volume"
Whilst Reading another post it said something about in the workspace window changing the HD From "T" to "R"
I tried this but with no luck it gave me the message "Macintosh HD cannot be designated as an audio record volume because it is not a valid audio volume"
Another post said it may be to do with the permisions on the Drive i have changed all these to read and write and still no Joy
Sorry if i am missing something really obvious but any help or suggestions would be greatly appriciated
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