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Musicians / Composers
Got A Little Setup Of Midi Suite
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Born July 29, 1981
(43 years old)
M281AH Manchester
United Kingdom
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Joined: 26-Sep 02
Profile Views: 1,567*
Last Seen: Wed 21 May 2003, 14:32
Local Time: Mon 16 Dec 2024, 16:17
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I know Cubase SX can import MP3 files but when I go to File>Import>Audio File:
Then I go to a folder with Mp3's present, the MP3 files are shaded out and I cannot select them to import!??!?!
What is going on can anybody help me?
Cheers Hans
I have installed the dricers for the Midiman Delta 66, when I go to audio and midi setup in OSX it aint recognising the Delta 66 as a 6 channel input, OSX thinks it hs 8 channels and non of the colume cantrols can be manipulated they are inactive?!?!?
Has anyone else had this probelm!?!?!
Ive just purchased a Dual Processor G4 Mac, Im setting up a little Midi Suite to produce dance tracks, could anyone point me in the right direction as to which Sound Module will produce the best sounds for Commercial Dance Music Please? Under 1000 Pounds. And whic is the best sound card for audio, i have been told that the Roland XV2020 is a possibility and a Digiman Delta44 soundcard????
You can send it to my email hani@fashhou.fsnet.co.uk or Ill check up on the forum when i can! Thans Very Much
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