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Nicholas Randall
Musicians / Composers
Composer of Christian Music & Registered Music Therapist
Gender Not Set
Born Aug 16, 1955
(69 years old)
3228 Torquay
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Joined: 15-Mar 06
Profile Views: 2,509*
Last Seen: Wed 12 Jan 2011, 06:24
Local Time: Mon 3 Feb 2025, 00:47
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I am moving towards creating ambient music, where I was once purely a guitar and vocals guy, and I have a Korg X5D and a Roland MC 505 + a Mc Pro OsX 10.6. On paper, the makers of the Sound Quest gear promise better integration between Logic and my Hardware. The on screen interface is tempting but the software is not cheap. I am interested any hearing from Logic users who are also using/have used Sound Quest software. Thanks in advance!
I have been using my US 144 for a couple of years with no problems until now. Everything is pretty straightforward using the USB connection to my computer, Midi, and analogue in and out. Searching the internet I have found this 'No Valid Signal' seems to be a common issue but all attempts at reinstalling software etc have failed. Some threads I have found seem to suggest there has been a Javascript update with Macintosh causing some problem with the Tascams. Some people have tried to get answers from Mac with no responses. I really do not have money to replace my unit with something else but for the moment I seem to be out of business with no fix in sight. Any help will be appreciated.
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