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Born June 1, 1978
(46 years old)
11222 Brooklyn
United States
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Joined: 14-Mar 06
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Last Seen: Wed 15 Mar 2006, 03:47
Local Time: Mon 16 Dec 2024, 23:43
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hi there--this is my first time posting on the forum. i have a boss SP-505 sampler that i want to sync up to logic express 7 so that i can record the sampler parts as midi data. so far i can create a new instrument track for the sampler in the environment window. then i can record the samplers parts using logic to control the sampler. what i see next is the recorded midi data in the sampler new instrument track. i want to bebe able to rearrange the parts in logic's matrix sequencer and then play it back thru the sampler so i can record it as an audio track. iwas told that this is the standard way of doing things, but i don't know if there is a simpler way or how i can complete the last part. what is the routing in logic as far as tracks, midi ins/outs?
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