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Born Dec 1, 1970
(54 years old)
78000 Plaisir
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Joined: 18-Sep 02
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Last Seen: Sat 31 Jul 2010, 10:58
Local Time: Sat 14 Dec 2024, 15:39
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I was running Digital Performer 3.1 on an Apple 9600 accelerated with and XLR8 processor card, everything was fine except rather low performances. Since I replaced the XLR8 card with a Sonnet G4/450 processor card, I can't play or edit any session properly. The midi signal disappears after a couple mesures (the sampler doesn't read any signal) and then the program becomes very instable, DP crashes and sometimes the computer crashes too. Those problems only happen with the PCI 324 card, everything is fine with the SoundManager. Have you ever heard that story before ?
Depuis que j'ai upgradé mon 9600 avec une carte Sonnet G4/450, Digital Performer (v3.1) ne fonctionne plus qu'avec le SoundManager ! Dès que je sélectionne la PCI 324, le signal midi disparaît (le sampler ne reçoit plus rien), le programme devient instable et finit par planter. Est-ce que cette histoire rappelle quelque chose à quelqu'un ?
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