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Born June 30, 1958
(66 years old)
90049 Los Angeles
United States
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Joined: 14-Feb 06
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Last Seen: Wed 17 May 2006, 00:20
Local Time: Wed 5 Mar 2025, 06:30
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I'm trying to transfer some iTunes files from my Power Book (OS 10.4.6, 1.67 GHz, 2 GB DDR2 SDRAM) onto my Nokia 6682. Bluetooth is hopelessly slow, so I decided to use a card reader (SanDisk Mobile Mate SD+). Weird things happened: The Nokia 6682 MMC RS Card did not mount at all. When I tried the same type of card from my European phone, Nokia N70, it showed on the desktop once, but not since. Then I tried a non-Nokia formatted 256 Mb card, which mounted beautifully (It is the wrong voltage for the phone, however). Then, suddenly, the N70 card mounted (around the 20th time I pulled the card reader out of the USB port) and I managed to install some iTunes tracks onto it. After this miracle even the 6682 card showed up once. Neither card has mounted ever since. Rebooting does not help. This must be a software problem, yes? Is there a better method? The Nokia USB cable does not work with a mac.
Mys Edirol PRC-1 keyboard worked fine on Panther/PowerBook G4/1Ghz. My new PowerBook (1.67 Ghz, 2 GB SDRAM, OS 10.4.4) does not recognize the keyboard in Audio/Midi setup. I downloaded the newest driver from Roland USA web site and installed it, but it did not help. In fact, there does not seem to be a specific driver for the PRC-1 as there is a newer model that has replaced it, and the new driver does not seem to have the Audio Interface bit at all. Should I try to find the original driver for the PCR-1 from 2003?
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