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Born Dec 14, 1991
(32 years old)
43201 Columbus
United States
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Joined: 02-Jan 06
Profile Views: 975*
Last Seen: Sun 31 Dec 2006, 16:05
Local Time: Mon 2 Dec 2024, 12:28
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Hello, I'm just starting out and I was wondering what I should buy. I was looking to be able to record and do a little DJing (?) with music using Garage Band (which I own), on my G5. I wanted to be able to use a mixer board and, if it's possible, a turn table, and somehow still be able to use my M-Audio Keystation 49e (which I have plugged in through USB but has a MIDI out on it). The primary thing I was looking at was a mixing board, I looked at the M-Audio one that is tailored for Garage Band, but that wouldn't work (I don't think) with iTunes, with which all I want to do is control the equalizer easily. The ideal board for me, if there is one like this, is one that can somehow be used with iTunes and GarageBand. The second thing is using turn tables with iTunes and GarageBand. Any help?
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