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96815 Honolulu
United States
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Joined: 01-Nov 05
Profile Views: 291*
Last Seen: Fri 9 Dec 2005, 11:00
Local Time: Wed 26 Feb 2025, 16:51
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6 Nov 2005
I bought Zero-G's Sounds of Polynesia, and want to convert the entire sound library to EXS 24 format so that I never have to launch that @#$%! Native instruments Intakt sample player once. (No program that i paid for will order me to do something "to keep using it beyond 14 days." No, thanks >>kick<<)

So how do i convert this whole library to EXS? Logic pro has no direct "Intakt Convert' function and my CDXtract 4 also failed to do a successful conversion. Should I wait for (the long-promised) CDXtract 5 update, or maybe buy Chickensys Translator now?... or do a 2-step batch conversion by going through a mainstream format like Akai or Gigasampler via some shareware utility?
2 Nov 2005
i have two PowerMac G5s, i have Logic 7 and just buying Cubase SX3 now, because I like some of its ideas too. i use less than 8 plugins, mostly softsynths. I also have a Roland VS1824CD digital multitrack and a Korg Triton Studio 88 - both valid alternatives to Logic and / or Cubase, as I typically record my tracks right from the first on any device.

My style is jazz/new age/classical. I love to stack up a kajillion tracks, until not a 16th note silence remains anywhere to poke in another 'pingg' :-) If inspiration hits, I usually record into the closest, and turned on device at the moment, then when it starts choking under the load, I add the next, etc. I never developed any personal preference towards picking either the Korg's sequencer, the Roland VS, Logic or Cubase first. My questions are:

1.) to streamline cabling, which of the 4 environments (Korg Triton, Roland VS, Cubase, Logic) should I pick to be my #1 tool in the future? 2.) is there a "best way", how tasks should be divided between two G5s - one running sequencers and the other hosting plugins, or one with Logic and the other with a synced Cubase... or...?

Thank you in advance for all the suggestions.
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Lo-Fi Version - Wed 26 Feb 2025, 17:51
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