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45401 Dayton
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Joined: 17-Oct 05
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Last Seen: Mon 8 May 2006, 19:41
Local Time: Sat 1 Mar 2025, 12:40
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5 Mar 2006
Greetings all,

I have a G4 PowerBook 1.5Ghz with 1.25GB of RAM and I use Logic Express with a Presonus Firepod, and I've been very happy with the results. Last night, one of my bands ( < shameless plug) attempted to record a live show for the first time. We've done very nice demos at our rehearsal space, but wanted to capture an entire show. We are a pretty simple four-piece and we were able to do just fine with the Firepod's 8 ins. Everything was running smoothly until the recording just stopped about 55 mins into the show. It may have been related to something I did, and that's why I'm asking the community here:

While setting up for the night, I dragged the "end of song" marker to the right for quite some time (to ~2500 "bars") while I was trying to remember how to give myself more than the default 15 mins of record time. Then I remembered the "maximum record time" setting in the "set audio path" settings window. So, I went into that area and changed it to 120 mins (more than enough for our sets), and thought everything would be fine. In listening back today, however, it appears that the recording stopped at where I had left the "end of song" marker (which ended up being around 55 mins). So here's my question (finally): Will the EOS marker stop a recording even if the "maximum recording time" is long enough to handle it? If so, how does one work around that? Is it right to just drag the EOS marker to the right for several thousand "bars" just to be safe? Seems kinda ridiculous to me, but I am fairly "newb" at all of this.

On a related (slightly) note, is there a way to change the format of the time bar across the top of the main arrange window? I don't use midi and such, and rarely do we need a click track, so the idea of "bars" as a measuring tool is kind of useless to me. I'd much rather see time, actual minutes and seconds, etc. Then, even if sliding the EOS marker IS the right way to do it, I could easily tell how far I'd gone.

Ok, sorry this was so long winded, but I wanted to be clear. Thanks in advance.
17 Oct 2005
Hello all... I'm fairly new to digital recording, and have Logic Express (latest) and a Presonus Firepod as my studio (so far). My question seems basic and obvious, but I just couldn't find it in these forums, so I'll ask it myself:

I would love to set my channels' outputs to only one of the 8 outputs my Firepod has, rather than having to pair them (Out 1-2, Out 3-4, etc.). Is this possible?

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