I pretty much have Logic Pro down but there is one thing that
I haven't been able to figure out - say I want to do a mash up
or remix a song in Logic , I import a mp3 file /song - it's tempo
is like 158 bpm , my other tracks tempo is 139 bpm - how do I
get these two tracks to follow my master/ project tempo of 145bpm?
I know how to change the tempo and even how to create a tempo
curve, I tried beat mapping , quantizing, I've even made short loops of parts of these songs in Recycle and then I bring them back into Logic they will not snap to the tempo I want -145bpm. I also tried converting these Recycle loops to Apple loops and still no luck , - But all of the stock Apple loops will follow the tempo like they should , what am I doing wrong ? I have version 7.1