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Musicians / Producers
A Maestro
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Born July 7, 1967
(57 years old)
11205 Brooklyn
United States
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Joined: 20-Sep 05
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Last Seen: Sun 25 Jul 2010, 05:09
Local Time: Thu 30 Jan 2025, 03:35
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Using the EXS24 is not really a problem...the only quirk I have is when you keymap multiple samples I cannot change the key triggering to do a "stop sample play" when I lift off of the key....on the keyboard off course......And then, I have to do each zone separately to get the correct type of triggering. Is there a way to set ...maybe a global command instead of having to go to each zone and settiing up that parameter....that can be harrowing when you have a kit with 20 loops oor more....Please help! THX!!!!!
I have been a Logic head ..for years........I was told at one point to purchase the .Lacie250 external drive.......The life span on these drives....even with minimal use is less than 2 years.....something always go wrong with them...either it wont mount into your system or a partition goes missing.......I implore all producers who are serious about recording and archiving their files to stay away from them......
First my system is a 17" G4 laptop, MOTU Traveler, Lacie 250 gig harddrive, Grace 101 mic pre, TL50 compressor. Blue Baby Bottle mic, etc.... I recently recorded vocals in Logic 7 onto the Lacie but every time I save the project and come back, when loading the song it says--12 Invalid Regions--- or ---whatever # and some of the parts are misplaced or arranged differently in the song......What am I doing wrong and how can I correct this problem....Some one please help.....
how can i make a mac g4 laptop running Logic 7 and a Roland VS 2480 with a R-bus card work together???
I have used this great piece of equiptment for quite a while. I was always reluctant to break into computer recording as the years went by. I have seen the progress and the problems. I recently purchased a 17" G4 laptop. I have always used Logic 4.8 for years. I have used the audio side of Logic just for repairs or processing. Then I fly th eparts back into the 2480. I will pick up Logic 7 and a 828 this week. Should I keep the 2480 as a back up or make it part of the system???
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