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Musicians / Composers
Hip Hop producer
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20008 Washington
United States
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Joined: 28-Jul 05
Profile Views: 332*
Last Seen: Fri 11 Apr 2008, 20:34
Local Time: Wed 4 Dec 2024, 13:01
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Hi all, I just lucked on this G4 tower at a thrift store and I was thinking to turn it into a standalone sampler tool. I already use a powerbook 1.5 ghz for my main tracking etc. but I thought this tower could come in handy in my setup. i think it has 512 ram and is a 400 mhz processor. It has a zip drive and two video cards too. Does anyone have any advice on the best programs to put on it and the most efficient way to turn this into a standalone sampler? Thanks for any ideas! BTW, I curently use an MPC 3000 and my PB running Reason 3.0 and DP 4.5
Man this program is hard to figure out! I borrowed a copy to learn it before buying but without the manual, I don't think I can. Pleez help. thanks
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