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Piano lessons for about 10 years, plus a couple of tacky old Yahama keyboards in the late 80s. Back into music now after a 15 year break with Garageband linked to a digital piano.
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Joined: 03-Jul 05
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Last Seen: Mon 8 May 2006, 20:47
Local Time: Tue 4 Mar 2025, 02:24
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15 Dec 2005
I've been wondering why it takes me so long to get from start to finish when making music – and in many ways the answer is obvious: when you're acting as writer, musician, producer and sound technician for the same song, of course it takes time.

However, I feel that one problem with performing all these roles is the difficulty in staying focused. I'm sure I can't be the only one who writes a song with a certain production or instrumentation in mind, and then gets bogged down mid-song by worrying about how I'm going to achieve that sound, rather than leaving this problem to someone else. I think this is particularly a problem when you use programming software as your composition tool, rather than just a production tool.

I'm sure that all of these roles get a little easier through pracitice and experience, but I'd love to hear from anyone how has tips on how to juggle these roles and take things a step at a time, rather than chasing your tail.

All the best,

23 Oct 2005
Hi All

I'm thinking of getting Logic Express but am curious to know if it can do something that Garageband cannot: switch time signatures, mid-song.

Do any Logic users out there write songs that drop the odd 3/4 bar into a 4/4 song? A lot of the music I listen to does this, or similar time signature shifts, and I find it really frustrating that (in Garageband) once the time signature is set, it's almost impossible to stray from it without losing all the synchronicity you've set up.

I'd be really grateful if anyone can tell me if this is possible in Logic, or if there's a good way to overcome the problem.

All the best...

23 Sep 2005
Hi All

I really enjoy music by writers who can pull off inserting the odd 3/4 bar in a 4/4 song, and similar variations.

So far, I've avoided doing this in Garageband as – so far as I can see – it would really upset the whole timescale. I guess it can be done but it could make things very complicated.

Has anyone found a good way to get round this? What about complete changes of time signature or tempo mid-track?

I'm also thinking of upgrading to Logic next year, and wondering if things will get any easier...

Thanks in advance for any advice,

3 Jul 2005
After messing around in Garageband, I've just put together the first song I'm pleased with and and in the process of mastering it. When laying down each track, I had set effects to give each instrument the right feel. Now I'm setting the master volume and have a choice of different effects and settings for the song as a whole. Some of these make the song sound great in places, but throw certain instruments out (particularly those I already set effects for).

I'm just wondering when is the most logical stage to employ effects – at the recording stage, or the mastering stage, or both? Something's telling me I was a bit too specific early on, and I should have waited till I had the broader picture. Any advice from more seasoned Garageband users?

Thanks... blink.gif
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