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Musicians / DJs Just learning digital music, especially digital djingPersonal Info
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Born Nov 29, 1976
(48 years old)
49503 Grand Rapids
United States
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Joined: 26-Jun 05
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Last Seen: Tue 28 Jun 2005, 17:46
Local Time: Sun 1 Dec 2024, 23:57
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26 Jun 2005
Hey everyone. This is my first post to this forum. Please forgive my ludditious tendencies. I'm analogue at heart.
After 10 years of vinyl djing, I am ready to embark into the digital realm wiith my mp3's, but have no idea how. I use a 867 Mhz PowerBook G4, OS 10.4 246 MB RAM (hopefully soon to upgrade) I have just tried Native Instrument's Traktor software, and I am impressed. I managed to get a basic understanding of how it works, with the exception of the cue function. I seem to gather that I need an external soundcard or something of the sort. What I need to do (right now) is to cue one channel in headphones, while the program is going to an amp (or mixer). What is the best way to accomplish this. I normally feed my computer to my mixer through a simple 1/8" (mini headphone) jack to RCA cable. I am really in the dark, and what I would really like is a description of your setup(s). Any software recommendations are also appreciated. Thanks in advance, J.Knecht |
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