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I am a working musician playing original music in the clubs of Florida. However my education is in Graphic Design/Web Development. PHP programing. I love all genres of music if the quality is good.
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Born May 10, 1966
(58 years old)
34209 Bradenton
United States
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Joined: 09-Aug 02
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Last Seen: Tue 13 Aug 2002, 08:53
Local Time: Wed 4 Dec 2024, 10:33
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I am using a digi001 i/o box with Cubase VST/32 5.0 on a G4 w/ 1G of RAM.
The problem is; I can't hear the virtual instruments. When I bring up the LM-9 from the virtual instruments menu, I get audio signal by clicking the pads.However, when I import midi files, shouldn't I be able to assign them to virtual instuments and recieve an audio channel? What am I doing wrong? Should I need OMS for this setup? Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
Ooops! Try pulling out the track menu far enough to see the output menu Dumb Ass!
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