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Billy 13
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Born July 13, 1978
(46 years old)
80302 Boulder
United States
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Joined: 11-Jun 05
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Last Seen: Thu 16 Jun 2005, 18:08
Local Time: Wed 18 Dec 2024, 05:39
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Howdy folks,
Any Logic Express users out there? I'm new the computer recording scene and was thinking about picking up this program. One thing I'm curious about is the ability to assign Midi control in Express. I've got an M-Audio Keystation Pro88 and (quirks aside) the thing's got a slew of assignable faders, etc. I want to be able to use these suckers to control my sequencer...
On the feature comparison at Apple, Express is listed as having "Basic" Assignable Controls whereas Pro has both "Basic" and "Advanced" assignable controls...
Anybody have any experience as far as what parameters are actually assignable in Express? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Billy
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