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Musicians / Composers
Musician, composer, soundscape artist, guitarist, academic interest in film music. Using G4 Powerbook with Reason 2.5, recycle, Logic 6.4, Roland MIDI Keyboard
Gender Not Set
Born Oct 30, 1962
(62 years old)
NONE Auckland
New Zealand
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Joined: 08-Aug 02
Profile Views: 1,964*
Last Seen: Thu 11 Aug 2005, 10:26
Local Time: Wed 18 Dec 2024, 03:37
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Hi, I'm running Logic with Reason and numerous plugins which quickly max out the ram/cpu on the Powerbook. Is there a way to use my spare g4 400 to free up ram or cpu on my PowerBook 1ghz. Audio files are on a different partition to the OS on the PB. Would putting audio files on the spare mac help? what about putting plugins there and alias them? I only use the G4 400 for backup storage using firewire. Any ideas?
Hi, Might there be a download site for vintage audio software. I have soundhack and soundeffects which are quite cool but i'm also looking for an early free version of protools to run on mac os 7.2. Is this possible even - did we have free versions of PT's 5 years ago?. Also looking for a version of virtual drummer. All info appreciated. I'm helping a low budget friend to become acquainted with some basic tools. Beste, Rob.
I'm checking out a lower budget alternative to edirol's midi/usb interface that would connect an old roland jv30 to a Mac G4. My local electronics surplus store reckons that a couple of cables connected does the trick. Is this possible? robv
Could anyone advise on suitable keyboards that will operate with various audio software via a USB connection (or Firewire?). Cheers
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