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Musicians / Guitarists
Singer Songwriter
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Born April 1, 1977
(47 years old)
90038 La
United States
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Joined: 08-Jun 05
Profile Views: 477*
Last Seen: Tue 14 Jun 2005, 19:48
Local Time: Fri 20 Dec 2024, 11:57
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Ok, So I had Reason 2.5 installed and was using it fine. One day it quit, when I tried to reopen the program a window popped up saying "please reinstall, cannot find Reason engine" So i reinstalled the program, and it still poppes up.
If anyone has advice or know what the Reson engine is please help.
Thanks in advance. Jobojaxson
If anyone has advice for me using MidiKeys with Reason that would be greatly appreciated. I have installed both, but I have no sound coming through. Reason is reacting to the keys pressed, but I still hear nothing.
Any Suggestions? Thanks Jobojaxson
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