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Musicians / Guitarists

Long in tooth guitarist and keyboard player.
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Gender Not Set
Born Jan 1, 1980 (45 years old)
1703 Papakura
New Zealand
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Joined: 06-Jun 05
Profile Views: 2,812*
Last Seen: Fri 4 Sep 2009, 02:27
Local Time: Sun 2 Feb 2025, 08:46
8 posts (0 per day)
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My Content
30 May 2008
Using my Encore program I have a midi setup using PB190 through a Roland SC7 to a battery powered amplifer as rhythm backup to my guitar playing. My LC3 will also work on this setup. I can also play them through the midi ports of my Technics KN2000. soon as I try to ugrade by using my iMac or my G3 I have complete failure. Can anyone tell me how I can get these to work. I have a UX16 interface and OMS as an option on the computers but OMS doesn't seem to recognise the KN2000 and tells me it doesnt like general midi! . I know the Encore program works because I can play it using the internal synth, but since this has a limited sound range I'm anxious to use general midi.

Somewhere along the way I'm missing something, can you help?
Deigh Davies
6 Jun 2005
Hi there,
I have owned a Yamaha UX16 for two years and have been completely unable to make it work on either my iMac or my G4 powerbook. The programs I need to use it for are "Encore" and "Band in a Box". This weekend I have tried it for the first time on a PC, a Toshiba Satellite, and it worked, playing my Technics KN200.

For many years I've used the combination of MAC computer and KN2000 to play midi using the programs Encore and Band-in-a-box. This has been with older computers like the LC3 and the powerbook series but they are wearing out and I need to upgrade to OSX. I can't get any midi activity either in or out from iMac or G4. Has anyone any idea why, or better still can someone who has beaten this problem tell me how they did it? I have OMS installed but it just produces crashes.

Deigh Davies New Zealand unsure.gif
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Lo-Fi Version - Sun 2 Feb 2025, 09:46
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