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Born July 5, 1972
(52 years old)
92107 San Diego
United States
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Joined: 24-May 05
Profile Views: 556*
Last Seen: Tue 24 May 2005, 23:29
Local Time: Tue 17 Dec 2024, 06:47
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Hey guys I have a question regarding registration. I’m currently the owner of G4 laptop. I’m running on it a lot of music software. My band member is a student and right now we’re trying to purchase G5 for academic price since laptop does not have enough CPU. In the apple store I was trying to find out whether the new computer could be registered on two names so We can use all of my previous software. I’ve been told that the computer can be registered only on one name – (in this case name of the student ) but also I’ve been told that there is a chance to have a two users which I don’t think will help me much. Now the question – does anybody know if there is any way to get around it . Is there any chance to use my software from laptop on new G5 computer even though this computer won’t have my name in the registrarion?
I would appreciate any answers
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