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Technicians / Sound Engineers - Music
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37211 Nashville
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Joined: 16-May 05
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I've recently upgraded to DP6 and have a couple questions if anyone else is using it:
1. Is there a way to tone down the "whited out" look of the interface windows (track window, sequencing window, etc). Previous versions I've (4.61 and before) had a grayer tint to the window which made it much easier to see. Am I stuck with the white tone?
2. What has happened to the toggle display to toggle on and off tracks to view, etc? Gosh... this version is all different from 4.6 and it's hard to find things. Thanks. Jeff
I'm trying to tranfer some edited tracks from DP 4.5 back to my Alesis HD24 drive via the Alesis Fireport software. I'm using Mac OSX 10.3. The files I have exported (either .aif or .wav or .sd2) all appear "grayed out" in the Fireport software browser. How can I get the software to recognize the files for import?
Many thanks. JMSPEAKS
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